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insane asylum

n. A facility designed where persons with serious mental disorders are housed.

insane asylum

n. a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person [syn: mental hospital, psychiatric hospital, mental institution, institution, mental home, asylum]

Usage examples of "insane asylum".

Once it was a blacksmith's boy, once an old woman from the insane asylum on the Geest, once a man from the peat market, and another time a grandmother and child from the Paddemoes, or Jewish quarter.

I was heading for the Confederacy Insane Asylum on the chance that Doctor Crobe and Lombar Hisst were still alive!

Reading, Starling heard the words in the same voice that had mocked her and pierced her, probed her life and enlightened her in the maximum security ward of the insane asylum, when she had to trade the quick of her life to Hannibal Lecter in exchange for his vital knowledge of Buffalo Bill.

And he didn't need to say anything, because after more than two hours on back roads we arrived at a large white building surrounded by pavilions, palms, and cacti, and I knew at once that my trusted friend had brought me to an insane asylum.

It was uncomfortable there, but that was good, he thought as he began his nerve-racking trek toward the grim Victorian facade of the insane asylum.

They'll just quietly lock her up in some insane asylum and throw away the key.

Her eyes misted, Dont you see, Gramie, now theyll put us both in an insane asylum-and Mr.

They commit Darl to the state insane asylum rather than pay the Gillespies for a new barn.

He had never seen a rat, or an army barracks, or an insane asylum, or a poorhouse, or a pawnshop, or an execution, or a thief, or a tenement, or a rent collector, or a man who wanted to work and could not find work to do, or a dead baby in a ditch.