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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inflame \In*flame"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Inflamed; p. pr. & vb. n. Inflaming.] [OE. enflamen, OF. enflamer, F. enflammer, L. inflammare, inflammatum; pref. in- in + flammare to flame, fr. flamma flame. See Flame.]

  1. To set on fire; to kindle; to cause to burn, flame, or glow.

    We should have made retreat By light of the inflamed fleet.

  2. Fig.: To kindle or intensify, as passion or appetite; to excite to an excessive or unnatural action or heat; as, to inflame desire.

    Though more, it seems, Inflamed with lust than rage.

    But, O inflame and fire our hearts.

  3. To provoke to anger or rage; to exasperate; to irritate; to incense; to enrage.

    It will inflame you; it will make you mad.

  4. (Med.) To put in a state of inflammation; to produce morbid heat, congestion, or swelling, of; as, to inflame the eyes by overwork.

  5. To exaggerate; to enlarge upon. [Obs.]

    A friend exaggerates a man's virtues, an enemy inflames his crimes.

    Syn: To provoke; fire; kindle; irritate; exasperate; incense; enrage; anger; excite; arouse.


vb. (present participle of inflame English)


n. arousal to violent emotion [syn: inflammation]

Usage examples of "inflaming".

Her brain was still fizzing from the experiences, the naked savagery of the sayce-baiting, and the jubilant crowd in Donovan’s, blood heat inflaming her senses.

Her radar started to fire hard microwave pulses at the loose shoal of ring particles, evaporating snowflakes and inflaming carbonaceous motes.

But the feel of Carmitha’s shotgun sent resolution surging through her veins, inflaming and chilling at the same time.

One was to discover how glibly he uttered the phrases proper to whip up the emotions of a crowd: the other was in the remembrance of how the crafty Cardinal de Retz, for the purpose of inflaming popular sympathy on his behalf, had been in the habit of hiring fellows to fire upon his carriage.

In the speech with which I fired the people of Rennes on the very morrow of that deed, did you not hear the voice of Philippe de Vilmorin uttering the ideas that were his with a fire and a passion greater than he could have commanded because Nemesis lent me her inflaming aid?

Firm and smooth was arousing, but fuller and grosser was inflaming to his senses.

Remarkably beautiful women there had been in Throod, but never one so instantly inflaming to the senses.

The crowd fled in panic and anger, inflaming hundreds of young spectators who ran the few blocks to Whittier Boulevard and began trashing every store in sight.

Acosta had not stressed that point in the courtroom, for fear of alarming the jury and inflaming the gringo press.