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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inebriant \In*e"bri*ant\, n. Anything that intoxicates, as opium, alcohol, etc.; an intoxicant.


Inebriant \In*e"bri*ant\, a. [L. inebrians, p. pr. of inebriare. See Inebriate.] Intoxicating.


a. Intoxicating; inebriate. n. An intoxicate agent.


n. a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; "alcohol (or drink) ruined him" [syn: alcohol, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant]

Usage examples of "inebriant".

The cantina had an air of benign neglect, a smell of liquid inebriants and greasy food.

Without looking at it, he focused his attention on the artificial flitter and screened out all extraneous sounds—the pulsing music, the dozens of separate conversations, the noises of glasses clinking or being filled with one inebriant or another.

The wind was blowing the inebriant smoke from the beast's pyre directly into his face, although he didn't seem to notice.