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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, see indeterminate + -acy.


n. The condition of being indeterminate.


n. the quality of being vague and poorly defined [syn: indefiniteness, indeterminateness, indefinity, indetermination]


Indeterminacy or underdeterminacy may refer to:

  • Indeterminacy in computation (disambiguation)
  • aleatoric music and indeterminacy in music.
  • Statically indeterminate
  • Indeterminacy (literature) a literary term
  • In set theory and game theory, the opposite of determinacy
  • In biology, indeterminate growth of an organism
  • Underdetermined system

In law:

  • Indeterminacy debate in legal theory
  • Underdeterminacy (law)

In linguistics:

  • Indeterminacy of translation
  • Referential indeterminacy

In philosophy:

  • Indeterminacy (philosophy)
  • Indeterminism, the belief that not all events are causally determined
  • Deterministic system (philosophy)
  • Philosophy of science Indeterminacy of theory under empirical testing.
  • Underdetermination

In physics:

  • Quantum indeterminacy
  • Uncertainty principle
  • Scientific determinism
Indeterminacy (philosophy)

Indeterminacy, in philosophy, can refer both to common scientific and mathematical concepts of uncertainty and their implications and to another kind of indeterminacy deriving from the nature of definition or meaning. It is related to deconstructionism and to Nietzsche's criticism of the Kantian noumenon.

Indeterminacy (music)

Indeterminacy is a composing approach in which some aspects of a musical work are left open to chance or to the interpreter's free choice. John Cage, a pioneer of indeterminacy, defined it as "the ability of a piece to be performed in substantially different ways".

The earliest significant use of music indeterminacy features is found in many of the compositions of American composer Charles Ives in the early 20th century. Henry Cowell adopted Ives’s ideas during the 1930s, in works allowing players to arrange the fragments of music in a number of different possible sequences. Beginning in the early 1950s, the term came to refer to the (mostly American) movement which grew up around Cage. This group included the other members of the New York School. In Europe, following the introduction of the expression " aleatory music" by Meyer-Eppler, the French composer Pierre Boulez was largely responsible for popularizing the term.

Indeterminacy (literature)

Indeterminacy in literature can be simply defined as when components of a text require the reader to make their own decisions about the text’s meaning. (Baldick 2008) This can occur if the text’s ending does not provide full closure and there are still questions to be answered, or when "the language is such that the author’s original intention is not known". Baldick further describes the concept as "a principle of uncertainty invoked to deny the existence of any final or determinate meaning that could bring to an end the play of meaning between the elements of a text". Therefore, indeterminacy is the belief that it is not possible to decide entirely what a word means when used in a certain circumstance, so the meaning of the whole text must remain open to interpretation.

Usage examples of "indeterminacy".

It is this very indeterminacy, however, which allows the scope for various interpretations of them, their doings and their desires, as different framing discourses engender different readings.

The modern principle of Indeterminacy - a sign that science is still dominated by the Humean way of thinking.

In the first place, indeterminacy at the level of the neuron and its synaptic interconnections means that one will never be able to understand the mind or the brain simply by an analysis of its individual components, whose responses are inherently unpredictable.

With this discovery Kunll S Suag gave to man what man should have known thousands of years before The error in all the Poly-mathematical Theory has been housed m the assumption that time is an independent variable The old, honored Theory of Relativity, as well as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle was laid to rest with this one moment of clarity The concept that velocity in curvilinear motion is a function of an independent time variable was the error Light and time were not separable On the contrary there was a dependency on the variations of each quantity They are dependent jointly distributed hypervanables, to be treated with a new discrete space multidirecteti filternet limit In such a model no longer does viewing alter the nature of the viewed if one allows for the dependent shift in tune Moreover, the inability to travel at overhght velocities is merely an apparent effect of the observa .

With this discovery Kunll S Suag gave to man what man should have known thousands of years before The error in all the Poly-mathematical Theory has been housed m the assumption that time is an independent variable The old, honored Theory of Relativity, as well as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle was laid to rest with this one moment of clarity The concept that velocity in curvilinear motion is a function of an independent time variable was the error Light and time were not separable On the contrary there was a dependency on the variations of each quantity They are dependent jointly distributed hypervanables, to be treated with a new discrete space multidirecteti filternet limit In such a model no longer does viewing alter .

Deleuze (following Bergson) and Morse Peckham (following the American pragmatists) both suggest that subjectivity is located in the gap between stimulus and response: it is the indeterminacy, the space of randomization, the temporal delay in the sensorimotor apparatus by virtue of which the latter is no longer a linear function and predictable consequence of the former.

They compose a third person singular that retains the plural form's indifference, or indeterminacy, as to (biological, social, or grammatical) gender.

When we are dealing with the subatomic world, indeterminacy and lack of repeatability are as certain as death and taxes.