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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an indelible impressionformal (= lasting for ever)
▪ Alan’s wartime experiences had left an indelible impression on him.
▪ Getting out didn't make such an indelible impression as going in.
▪ The spectacle before her, half obscured by the lashing spray, left an indelible impression.
▪ It was what happened next that had made such an indelible impression upon Mr Charles.
▪ I suppose things made such indelible impressions on us because we had so little.
▪ All voters' hands will be dyed with indelible ink, and both the vote and the count will be conducted locally.
▪ The impact of such a major reversal has left an indelible mark on Haslam's memory.
▪ Raisins and walnuts form a symbiosis that makes an indelible mark on so many recipes.
▪ For all her privilege and wealth, life had not been easy and the experiences of childhood had left an indelible mark.
▪ His death left an indelible impression on my life.
▪ All voters' hands will be dyed with indelible ink, and both the vote and the count will be conducted locally.
▪ An indelible stamp, like the priesthood.
▪ Its mark, however, remains indelible.
▪ Now the sleaze looks more indelible and the Democrats will find it harder to avoid being defined by the Clinton excesses.
▪ One of Warhol's most indelible images, of course, is his relentless repetition of Jacqueline Kennedy's face in blue.
▪ Rituals often involved the daubing of men's private parts with indelible inks or waste paper and glue.
▪ Such little things, snow in July, are indelible.
▪ The next morning the only remnants are a few indelible plastic strings ironed into the pavement.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Indelible \In*del"i*ble\, a. [L. indelebilis; pref. in- not + delebilis capable of being destroyed: cf. F. ind['e]l['e]bile. See In- not, and Deleble.] [Formerly written also indeleble, which accords with the etymology of the word.]

  1. That can not be removed, washed away, blotted out, or effaced; incapable of being canceled, lost, or forgotten; as, indelible characters; an indelible stain; an indelible impression on the memory.

  2. That can not be annulled; indestructible. [R.]

    They are endued with indelible power from above.

    Indelible colors, fast colors which do not fade or tarnish by exposure.

    Indelible ink, an ink not obliterated by washing; esp., a solution of silver nitrate.

    Syn: Fixed; fast; permanent; ineffaceable. -- In*del"i*ble*ness, n. -- In*del"i*bly, adv.

    Indelibly stamped and impressed.
    --J. Ellis.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1520s, from Latin indelebilis "indelible, imperishable," from in- "not, opposite of, without" (see in- (1)) + delebilis "able to be destroyed," from delere "destroy, blot out" (see delete). Vowel change from -e- to -i- in English is late 17c. Related: Indelibly.


a. 1 having the quality of being difficult to delete, remove, wash away, blot out, or efface 2 incapable of being canceled, lost, or forgotten 3 incapable of being annulled


adj. cannot be removed, washed away or erased; "an indelible stain" [syn: unerasable]


Indelible is the fourth book in the Grant County series by author Karin Slaughter. It was originally released in hardback in 2004. Previous books in the series are Blindsighted, Kisscut, and A Faint Cold Fear. These books star Sara Linton, Jeffrey Tolliver, and Lena Adams.

Usage examples of "indelible".

It was terrible, and made upon Domini an indelible impression, for she could not help connecting it with his vision of her future, and it suggested to her formless phantoms of despair.

He knew well, however, that it was not an apparition, that the dead do not come back, and that his sick soul, his soul possessed by one thought alone, by an indelible remembrance, was the only cause of his torture, was what brought the dead girl back to life and raised her form before his eyes, on which it was ineffaceably imprinted.

The author concluded his paper with a few remarks on copying inks and indelible inks, showing that a good copying ink has yet to be sought for, and that indelible inks, which will resist the pencilings and washings of the chemist and the forger, need never be looked for.

No one knew where he came from, no one knt where he went: his only tracks were the indelible scars he left the lives that he touched.

But the reproach of cruelty, so repugnant even to her softer vices, has left an indelible stain on the memory of Theodora.

Pius IX was back, it was true, supported by the might of a foreign power, but the fact wasand Pius knew itthat the handwriting on the wall of the Lateran Palace was finally indelible.

I held up a linen underbodice and indicated the name written inside the seam in the indelible ink used by laundries.

Suddenly the baby smiled--not a beautiful smile, but it made on Winton an indelible impression.

The Thugs did their best teaching on the way to the wrecks, and their method was ancient and indelible.

His years of roving these dark abandoned passageways had inscribed an indelible map of their intricate patterns in lines of brilliant scarlet on his mind.

He laughs at those old physicians who placed such confidence in the right hind hoof of an elk as a remedy for the same disease, and leaves the record of his own belief in a treatment quite as fanciful and far more objectionable, written in indelible ink upon a living tablet where he who runs may read it for a whole generation, if nature spares his walking advertisement so long.

All it took was one stark, indelible image on television: Haitian stowaways, manacled and caged on the hot deck of a freighter.

That sloped crag, jutting out high over the sea where it boiled against the base of the cliffy, had made an indelible impression on my young mind.

The volume was tiny -- no more than a tenth of one per cent of the brain's mass -- but the transplanted cells carried the indelible impression of their last host: ghost threads of holographically distributed memory and personality.

He'd had the hand marks of one of the Bondless drawn on their backs in indelible ink.