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n. (plural of incursion English)

Usage examples of "incursions".

Greeks of Sinde and the Chersonnesus had made about raiding incursions by the sons of King Scilurus, dead now, but the craftsman of a Scythian state of Cimmeria which had not entirely collapsed after he died.

Marius and Scaurus discussed the incursions of Mithridates into Bithynia and Cappadocia.

So Pontic agents were sent to water the seeds of an ever-present hatred of Rome among the Bessi and the Scordisci and the other tribes of Moesia and Thrace, with the result that Macedonia began to endure the worst outbreak of barbarian raids and incursions in many years.

Samnites, the Hirpini, and the Venusini, and bitterly resented Roman incursions into Lucania.

That such incursions should prove cause for enmity among the Liosan was never considered.