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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Government forces were able to halt the rebel incursion.
▪ The incursion of whiteflies into the area could damage crops.
▪ Any effective international regulation of nuclear weapons is bound to entail troublesome incursions challenging prerogatives of national sovereignty.
▪ Daily newspapers appear especially threatened by the incursion on to their turf of timely and in-depth local information.
▪ Firms may use advertising to defend their existing position or to signal to potential entrants that incursions will be challenged.
▪ He described the incursion as the most dangerous development since the end of the war itself.
▪ Locals regarded it as a provocative incursion.
▪ Reports from Kampuchea claim that the country's 35,000-man army is good enough to stand up to Khmer Rouge incursions.
▪ The two nations saw each others' advances as incursions and tried to match each other fort for fort around Louisiana.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Incursion \In*cur"sion\, n. [L. incursio: cf. F. incursion. See Incur.]

  1. A running into; hence, an entering into a territory with hostile intention; a temporary invasion; a predatory or harassing inroad; a raid.

    The Scythian, whose incursions wild Have wasted Sogdiana.

    The incursions of the Goths disordered the affairs of the Roman Empire.

  2. Attack; occurrence. [Obs.]

    Sins of daily incursion.

    Syn: Invasion; inroad; raid; foray; sally; attack; onset; irruption. See Invasion.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"hostile attack," early 15c., from Middle French incursion (14c.) or directly from Latin incursionem (nominative incursio) "a running against," noun of action from past participle stem of incurrere (see incur).


n. An aggressive movement into somewhere; an invasion.

  1. n. the act of entering some territory or domain (often in large numbers); "the incursion of television into the American livingroom"

  2. an attack that penetrates into enemy territory [syn: penetration]

  3. the mistake of incurring liability or blame


Incursion is a science fiction roleplaying game created by Richard Tucholka and published by Tri Tac Games in 1992.

Usage examples of "incursion".

After that, our forces had been fully engaged with incursions of Franks and Alamanni in the east, and slave rebellions in the west of Gallia, with no time to worry about Britannia.

Father Scheil makes an incursion into Assyriology by his publication of some of the Tel el-Amarna tablets, and in this connection M.

When the imbecile Duke Leopold John died and Philip succeeded, the neutrality of Bercy had been proclaimed, but this neutrality had since been violated, and there was danger at once from the incursions of the Austrians and the ravages of the French troops.

Achilleus at Alexandria, and even the Blemmyes, renewed, or rather continued, their incursions into the Upper Egypt.

No war came on Connacht, and the constant necessity of beating off the incursions of Pictish raiding parties brought Art mac Comail no great fame or honour.

The Bolshevik coup timed itself so that Vladimir could just squeeze in his matriculation exams, and when a second Communist incursion drove the Nabokovs on from the Crimea, the family headed for England, and Vladimir and Sergey straight for Cambridge and Oxford, respectively.

Von Hammer excuses the silence with which the Turkish historians pass over the earlier intercourse of the Ottomans with the European continent, of which he enumerates sixteen different occasions, as if they disdained those peaceful incursions by which they gained no conquest, and established no permanent footing on the Byzantine territory.

Prime at Clarf Tower as the Star League Alliance of Human and Mrdini continues to track down or resist the Hiver incursions.

All hopes to establish negotiations and thus curtail Hiver incursions in the Star League are thwarted.

It was odd, thought Sheila, making a rambling incursion in literary criticism, that verse so wildly exciting in its day should be decidedly hypnoidal now.

No doubt the decision of this body came in part as a result of the incursion of Indian forces into Pakistan and in part because of our shared concern for the plight of the Pakistani refugees.

The King after deliberation granted this last point, and from that time the incursions of the Mamelucos ceased in Paraguay and generally throughout the mission territory.

As soon as the news of the incursion of the Mohmands was received in Peshawar, a flying column was mobilised and proceeded under the command of Lieut.

The lead polesman swung the nose about, edging it into a long black incursion of water that moved into the gothic depths like an inverted stream.

During the night there had been an incursion by Iraqi tanks from western Kuwait into Saudi Arabia.