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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Imputable \Im*put"a*ble\, a. [Cf. F. imputable.]

  1. That may be imputed; capable of being imputed; chargeable; ascribable; attributable; referable.

    A prince whose political vices, at least, were imputable to mental incapacity.

  2. Accusable; culpable. [R.]

    The fault lies at his door, and she is no wise imputable.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, from Medieval Latin imputabilis, from Latin imputare (see impute).


a. 1 That may be imputed; capable of being imputed; chargeable; ascribable; attributable; referable. 2 accusable; culpable; chargeable with fault.


adj. (usually followed by `to') able to be assigned or credited to; "punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading"; "the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain"; "the oversight was not imputable to him"; "decide to which of these motives such extraordinary scenes are referable"- Charles Dickens [syn: ascribable(p), due to(p), imputable(p), referable(p)]

Usage examples of "imputable".

No one having previously heard his history, could for the first time behold Father Mapple without the utmost interest, because there were certain engrafted clerical peculiarities about him, imputable to that adventurous maritime life he had led.

This almost unexampled instance of good health, though mostly, no doubt, imputable to a healthy season, must in some measure, also, be ascribed to the wise conduct of the captain.

This was no ways imputable to the admiral, for he sent home to government Nelson's journal of the siege, that they might fully understand the nature of his indefatigable and unequalled exertions.

This difference in the species is no doubt imputable in no small degree to the greater quantity of bone in the Right Whale.

The interlaced-company system, however, really worked very smoothly without anything so imputable as Articles of Federation.