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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Aposteme \Ap"os*teme\, n. [L. apostema, Gr. ? the separation of corrupt matter into an ulcer, fr. ? to stand off: cf. F. apost[`e]me. See Apostasy.] (Med.) An abscess; a swelling filled with purulent matter. [Written corruptly imposthume.] [1913 Webster] ||


n. (context obsolete English) An abscess. vb. (context obsolete intransitive English) To form an abscess.

Usage examples of "imposthume".

Once in every month the secretion takes place, and it forms itself, as has already been said, into a sort of imposthume, or boil full of blood, near the navel.

Charbonneau's child is much better today, though the swel1ing on the side of his neck, I believe, will terminate in an ugly imposthume, a little below the ear.

But come and look at my suppurating five-year-old amputation, my re-opening once-healthy wounds, my purulent gums, imposthumes, low fevers, livid extravasations.