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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an impossible dream (=about something that cannot happen)
▪ Having a number one record had seemed an impossible dream.
an impossible position (=a very difficult situation)
▪ She was furious with Guy for putting her in such an impossible position.
be hard/easy/impossible etc to please
▪ She’s hard to please. Everything has to be perfect.
be impossible to judge
▪ How much this affected their children was impossible to judge.
difficult/hard/impossible etc to credit
▪ We found his statement hard to credit.
difficult/impossible to quantify
▪ The damage caused to the tourist industry is difficult to quantify.
difficult/impossible/easy/possible etc to detect
impossible to resist
▪ The urge to give him a hug was almost impossible to resist.
impossible (=very difficult)
▪ I was in an impossible situation.
▪ She may argue that the task is impossible.
impossible/overwhelming odds (=making success seem extremely unlikely)
▪ They face impossible odds simply trying to get an education.
▪ They face overwhelming odds in their struggle to preserve the park.
it is difficult/hard/impossible to exaggerate sth (=used to say that something cannot be made to seem more important etc than it already is)
▪ It is difficult to exaggerate the strength of people’s feelings on this matter.
quite impossible
▪ I’m sorry. That’s quite impossible.
render sb/sth impossible/harmless/unconscious etc
▪ He was rendered almost speechless by the news.
▪ The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious.
seemingly impossible
▪ We are attempting to do something that is seemingly impossible.
well-nigh impossible
▪ It will be well-nigh impossible to raise that amount of money.
▪ Initially scheduled for Basingstoke on February 9, the trial was postponed when heavy snowfalls made travel absolutely impossible for many athletes.
▪ Either he was insane and already suffering from hallucinations, or something absolutely impossible was happening.
▪ Lee was on a downslope, and it seemed absolutely impossible for him to finish close.
▪ The discovery put the daughter in an almost impossible position.
▪ Johnny Cooper thought it almost impossible that three men carrying only sixty small bombs between them had created such havoc and destruction.
▪ When he sat down it was almost impossible to continue even a proforma debate.
▪ If he had any lingering memories, which was almost impossible to credit, they would not match what he now encountered.
▪ Apart from being almost impossible to cut, second hand shop windows are usually of inferior quality.
▪ Like many doctors still, scientists find it almost impossible to take on the notion of psychic energy.
▪ The public's trust that he truly represents them will be almost impossible to muster.
▪ Mathematicians of the finest calibre were essential for what then seemed the almost impossible task of breaking a code with astronomical permutations.
▪ Finding new staff is nearly impossible.
▪ Wuhan was in an uproar when they arrived, its streets nearly impossible because of the mobs.
▪ It was nearly impossible to get them to accept a surrender.
▪ The accumulation of obligations made it nearly impossible for the children to pry loose from the entanglement.
▪ Except in tourist hotels and restaurants, it is nearly impossible to pay with anything over a $ 5 note.
▪ It is possible to find safe harbor but nearly impossible to do so without a few blow-ups.
▪ It is difficult to accept such a change simply on intellectual grounds and nearly impossible to accept its implications.
▪ There are long, loose episodes here that are nearly impossible to follow and probably should have been cut.
▪ If the system makes too early a commitment on segmentation, recovery will be well nigh impossible.
▪ And everybody knew it was mighty nigh impossible to quit them.
▪ But knowing is not doing, and many people find it well nigh impossible to kick the habit.
▪ Undermanning can make the task nigh impossible on some estates; on the others the approach is far too casual.
▪ The lieutenant was right: it would be nigh impossible to make everyone account for their movements.
▪ I just found it really hard, y'know. Nigh impossible.
▪ They were just physically impossible to move in and out of the studios.
▪ The illogical, unlikely and physically impossible are treated as natural phenomena.
▪ His hypothesis, while unlikely, is neither logically nor physically impossible.
▪ But he realized that this was physically impossible.
▪ By the power of his imagination he was trying to do something that was physically impossible.
▪ It was hot in the thin corridor, and the hanging husks made going forwards practically impossible.
▪ And it would be practically impossible to require a teacher to watch each student at all times.
▪ The ground was frozen, and digging foundations was practically impossible in such drastic weather conditions.
▪ These are a large number of possibilities and they would be practically impossible to distinguish by breeding experiments.
▪ This would lead to a mixing of chemicals and cause explosions that together with flooding would make evacuation practically impossible.
▪ Amongst black school leavers, finding a job is practically impossible.
▪ This reversal would have been practically impossible under Gats.
▪ But why had nobody ever told her that it was quite impossible to keep clean whenever there were any children about?
▪ Very unlikely, though perhaps not quite impossible.
▪ Citrus shrubs are wonderfully fragrant evergreens, but quite impossible outdoors without protection.
▪ And the Presbyterians are quite impossible.
▪ It was purchased because the sound of the river made reaching him by any other means quite impossible.
▪ Though it was still quite impossible to judge the scale of the picture, the camera was obviously seeing for miles.
▪ Indeed it would have been quite impossible for it to have adopted any other attitude.
▪ It would have been quite impossible to finish the book but for the computer program I had been given.
▪ However, the new minister on arrival soon found that he was faced with a seemingly impossible task.
▪ Thick white branches arch as far out as the tree is tall, sometimes at seemingly impossible angles.
▪ As far as motion video, in particular, is concerned, the constraints of available technology force multimedia into a seemingly impossible situation.
▪ Sexually menacing and effeminately feral, he prowled cat-like across the stage, perching on amps and lights in seemingly impossible positions.
▪ This is steering that manages the seemingly impossible: to be bad just about everywhere.
▪ The measure of his heart is how he deals with adversity and the way he overcomes a seemingly impossible situation.
▪ Not only a master, but a natural comedian, because he found humour in seemingly impossible situations.
▪ The men can freelance, depend on their height to make seemingly impossible moves.
▪ In reality, it was virtually impossible for the supporters of democracy to rally.
▪ It was virtually impossible to live in the United States in the late 1960s without being exposed to the growing antiwar movement.
▪ Just when it is vital to get policy on sterling right, the task has become virtually impossible.
▪ In the hectic days of I 96 I, such exploratory care and effort were virtually impossible.
▪ The position of the piece of gravel would have made it virtually impossible for the fish to dislodge it.
▪ In fact, without some anxiety it would be virtually impossible to be productive.
▪ Yet it is virtually impossible to think of a way in which they could be tested against one another.
▪ Such appeals were virtually impossible before an order in April 1996 by now-Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
▪ How long can you hang on to an impossible dream?
▪ Territory for peace is not an impossible dream.
▪ Opponents to the listing see it as an expensive attempt at an impossible dream and a misuse of the Endangered Species Act.
▪ It sounds like an impossible dream.
▪ Was no one around to warn her this was an impossible dream?
▪ Even six months ago, that seemed an impossible dream, but now, who knows?
▪ Unity now seems an impossible dream.
▪ The discovery put the daughter in an almost impossible position.
▪ Sexually menacing and effeminately feral, he prowled cat-like across the stage, perching on amps and lights in seemingly impossible positions.
▪ She felt illogically furious with Guy for putting her in such an impossible position.
▪ He imagined her screwed into some impossible position in her last spasm, her face looking grey and ugly on the pillow.
▪ It would put them in an impossible position if a legally-binding Living Will demanded what they considered unethical or bad medical practice.
▪ The council says it's in an impossible position.
▪ We find ourselves in an impossible position.
▪ He was almost unbelieving of his impossible situation but on principle he didn't allow himself to feel jealous.
▪ The measure of his heart is how he deals with adversity and the way he overcomes a seemingly impossible situation.
▪ Clearly, it would put the practitioner in an impossible situation.
▪ As far as motion video, in particular, is concerned, the constraints of available technology force multimedia into a seemingly impossible situation.
▪ The point is of course that the puzzle itself is false in setting up an impossible situation.
▪ Not only a master, but a natural comedian, because he found humour in seemingly impossible situations.
▪ But was that really her fault - or was I presenting her with an impossible task?
▪ The market permits people to make decisions and to act without going through the impossible task of collecting all the relevant information.
▪ This would not be an impossible task, given the state of information technology.
▪ An impossible task, the priests told him.
▪ It is of course an impossible task to examine the record of Marxism in such a short space as I have available.
▪ Under the block-grant funding system, this was an almost impossible task.
▪ With an empire of such a size, it was a difficult but not impossible task she had set herself.
▪ Dropping a combined 76 tons in a city the size of Philadelphia is hardly an impossible task.
near perfect/impossible etc
▪ Colin was fulsome in his praise of the role of finance directors in delivering a near impossible set of financial reforms.
▪ Comets therefore tend to explode into vapor with near perfect efficiency and devastating power on impact.
▪ Conclusions: The velvet cloth is a near perfect black, but more expensive and less readily available than the other materials.
▪ In the latter case the specimen is of near perfect geometry for a torsion test.
▪ In the main, larval control would have to be near perfect in its efficiency and to allow very few adults to survive.
▪ So everything seemed okay: the barn was secure, the food supply was better than good and the terrain near perfect.
▪ That doesn't stop Hedley from dreaming of owning a video store, even though it seems near impossible.
▪ Unfortunately, strong winds curtailed the sport on a near perfect river level carrying about four inches extra, but fining off.
next to impossible/useless etc
▪ As a waterproof it was next to useless.
▪ But counting the dead is next to impossible.
▪ But he quickly learned that at his age it was next to impossible to find a professional job in San Francisco.
▪ Buying such a processor for less than $ 400 is next to impossible.
▪ Further, genuine educational change in these settings is next to impossible given the logistical difficulty of just getting the staff together.
▪ In the early months, this restraint was next to impossible for them to achieve.
physically possible/impossible
▪ Also, it isn't physically possible to sit and listen to a rap album all the way through.
▪ But he realized that this was physically impossible.
▪ By the power of his imagination he was trying to do something that was physically impossible.
▪ His hypothesis, while unlikely, is neither logically nor physically impossible.
▪ The illogical, unlikely and physically impossible are treated as natural phenomena.
▪ They were just physically impossible to move in and out of the studios.
▪ ""The police suspect John.'' ""But that's impossible. He was with us the whole day.''
▪ an impossible task
▪ Dan's impossible to live with when he's sick.
▪ Her back injury has made it impossible for her to play tennis anymore.
▪ It's a seemingly impossible task.
▪ It was impossible that anyone could have survived the crash.
▪ Many fear that peace is now impossible.
▪ She's impossible! Even when I offer to help her she always find some reason to complain.
▪ Sometimes an abortion seems like the only way out of an impossible situation.
▪ The street was narrow and it was impossible for the two buses to pass.
▪ The twins are so alike that it's impossible to tell them apart.
▪ We're supposed to do all this work by tomorrow, but it's impossible.
▪ When people leave prison, they often find it impossible to get a job.
▪ You're impossible!
▪ Another non-solution is to sign a treaty and then forget about it in a few years or declare it impossible to achieve.
▪ In the eighteenth century it seemed impossible to build a barn without creating a work of art.
▪ It is impossible to take a complex problem and rationally unravel the mess into logical interacting pieces.
▪ It is mathematically impossible for any Democratic rival to overhaul Clinton in the primary process.
▪ It is possible to find safe harbor but nearly impossible to do so without a few blow-ups.
▪ It was almost impossible to get some rest.
▪ It was tough, tough work, but not impossible.
▪ Apparently, Clare was able to watch midnight mass from her death-bed, though many walls should have made this impossible.
▪ Ellen persisted in trying to perform as directed, but her body decided to make the messages impossible to ignore.
▪ Somehow without meaning to, she found that she had done the impossible for her: she had memorized that poem.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impossible \Im*pos"si*ble\,

  1. [F., fr. L. impossibilis; pref. im- not + possibilis possible. See Possible.] Not possible; incapable of being done, of existing, etc.; unattainable in the nature of things, or by means at command; insuperably difficult under the circumstances; absurd or impracticable; not feasible.

    With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
    --Matt. xix. 26.

    Without faith it is impossible to please him.

  2. xi. 6.

    Impossible quantity (Math.), an imaginary quantity. See Imaginary.

    Syn: See Impracticable.


Impossible \Im*pos"si*ble\, n. An impossibility; as, he tried to do the impossible. [Obs.]

``Madam,'' quoth he, ``this were an impossible!''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Old French impossible, from Latin impossibilis "not possible," from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + possibilis (see possible). Related: Impossibly.


a. Not possible; not able to be done or happen. n. (context obsolete English) an impossibility

  1. adj. not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with; "an impossible dream"; "an impossible situation" [ant: possible]

  2. totally unlikely [syn: inconceivable, out of the question, unimaginable]

  3. used of persons or their behavior; "impossible behavior"; "insufferable insolence" [syn: insufferable, unacceptable, unsufferable]


n. something that cannot be done; "his assignment verged on the impossible"

Impossible (Desperate Housewives)

"Impossible" is the 15th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives. The episode was the 15th episode for the show's first season. The episode was written by Marc Cherry and Tom Spezialy and was directed by Larry Shaw. It originally aired on February 20, 2005.


Impossible, Imposible or Impossibles may refer to:

Impossible (Captain Hollywood Project song)

"Impossible" is a song recorded by the German musician known under the pseudonym of Captain Hollywood Project. It was released in October 1993 as the fourth single from his debut album Love Is Not Sex, this dance song was a hit in several countries, but like " All I Want" it achieved a minor success in comparison with the two previous Captain Hollywood Project's singles (" More and More" and " Only with You").

Impossible (Edyta song)

"Impossible" is a 2003 single by Edyta Górniak (known as “Edyta”) from the album Invisible.

Impossible (novel)

Impossible is a novel by Danielle Steel, published by Random House in March 2005. The book is Steel's sixty-fifth novel.

Impossible (Daniel Merriweather song)

"Impossible" is the third single by Daniel Merriweather taken from his second album Love & War. The single was released on August 17, 2009. It was produced by Mark Ronson and released on the Columbia record label.

Impossible (Shontelle song)

"Impossible" is a song by Barbadian recording artist Shontelle. It is the lead single from her second studio album, No Gravity (2010). The song was written by Arnthor Birgisson and Ina Wroldsen, and produced by Birgisson. It was released digitally on 9 February 2010. "Impossible" peaked at number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States, number 33 in Canada, number nine in the United Kingdom and number five in Denmark.

The X Factor winner James Arthur released a cover version of the song after winning the ninth series of the talent competition in December 2012. It was released shortly after his win and reached number one in the UK and Ireland, as well as charting in the top ten in 20 other countries. As of December 2015, it has sold 1,289,000 copies in the UK.

Impossible (Anberlin song)

"Impossible" is a song by the band Anberlin. It is the second track and first single from their fifth studio album, Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place. The song officially hit radio on July 12, 2010.

Impossible (Christina Aguilera song)
  1. redirect Stripped (Christina Aguilera album)

Category:2002 songs Category:Christina Aguilera songs

Impossible (Måns Zelmerlöw song)

"Impossible" is a song recorded by Swedish singer Måns Zelmerlöw. It was released on 16 November 2009 as a digital download in Sweden. It was released as the third single from his second studio album MZW (2009). The song was written by Aleena Gibson, Måns Zelmerlöw and Dan Sandquist. It peaked to number 48 on the Swedish Singles Chart.

Impossible (2015 film)

Impossible is a 2015 Chinese science fiction comedy film directed by Sun Zhou. It was released on December 4, 2015 in 2D and 3D.

Usage examples of "impossible".

Until then, it would be next to impossible to be a major groundside player.

The artillery attempted to unlimber and to bring their guns to bear again, but the confusion that prevailed in the crowded spot rendered this next to impossible, and long before it could be accomplished the iron hail again swept through the ranks, and two rattling volleys from their invisible foes behind the flanking abattis again flashed out.

Not because of the absurdist mutations, although it is impossible for me to reconcile something as right and just when we ourselves resent and hate it having been done to us.

Apparently the golden-haired woman still resented the fact that she would not be going with him, but her reaction to hearing her native accents in Tear made that impossible.

When he did speak in French, he was, one official told Adams, almost impossible to understand.

Such was the turmoil of Amsterdam that Adams now found it impossible even to arrange meetings.

She had her usual complaints--repairs were needed, good servants impossible to find, the local prices outrageous--but the longer she stayed at Richmond Hill, the more attached she became, and Adams concurred.

The prospect of Adams succeeding Washington had been ever-present for seven years, but now, separated again by hundreds of miles, they addressed themselves to the growing likelihood of his actually becoming President, exchanged thoughts and feelings on the challenge in a way that apparently they never had before, and that perhaps they would have found impossible except at a distance.

But Leary again has the help of Signals Officer Adele Mundy, who can make computer networks do the apparently impossible.

Sustained maneuvers on full afterburner drank fuel at an impossible rate.

Sometimes on rainy afternoons in the store she got out her bank book and, letting it lie open before her, spent hours dreaming impossible dreams of saving money enough so that the interest would support both herself and her future husband.

Casey said that was impossible, that no airframe manufacturer had ever allowed an outside crew on a flight test.

He was stuck with the alieni st perennial problem: human mind-sickness was impossible to understand.

At least, he thought the guy was looking at him, although behind the latex mask it was all but impossible to tell.

Why has it been impossible to maintain the development of the mutated fetuses in artificial amnionic suspension?