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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impel \Im*pel"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Impelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Impelling.] [L. impellere; pref. im- in + pellere, pulsum, to drive. See Pulse a beat, and cf. Impulse.] To drive or urge forward or on; to press on; to incite to action or motion in any way.

The surge impelled me on a craggy coast.

Syn: To instigate; incite; induce; influence; force; drive; urge; actuate; move.


vb. (present participle of impel English)


See impel


adj. markedly effective as if by emotional pressure; "impelling skill as a teller of tales"; "an impelling personality"

  1. v. urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate [syn: force]

  2. cause to move forward with force; "Steam propels this ship" [syn: propel]

  3. [also: impelling, impelled]

Usage examples of "impelling".

He blinked at the darkness through eyes that were washed with starlight and blood both, and only an impelling instinct for self preservation goaded his arms and his one good leg into motions that might, perhaps, with much effort and time, take him back to his apartment.

All that was now needed was some impelling motive which should urge the farmers to enter and support the organization.

In states of dubitation under impelling elements, the instinct pointing to courageous action is, besides the manlier, conjecturably the right one.

He slid his empty glass towards Hogg, impelling it as though it were a child's match-box ten-ton truck.

Denied anything ardently desired, the individual or state will argue and parley just so long - then, if the impelling motive be sufficiently great, will cast aside every rule and break down every acquired inhibition, plunging viciously after the object wished.

They have traced in detail (what Pfister did before them) how the material of the sexual ideas originating in the family complex and in the incestuous object selection can be used to represent the highest ethical and religious interests of mankind, that is, they have explained a remarkable case of sublimation of the erotic impelling forces and the transformation of the same into strivings that can no longer be called erotic.

She was oppressed by ennui, and by that dissatisfaction which in women's minds is continually turning into a trivial jealousy, referring to no real claims, springing from no deeper passion than the vague exactingness of egoism, and yet capable of impelling action as well as speech.

Unerringly impelling this dead, impregnable, uninjurable wall, and this most buoyant thing within.