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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impanel \Im*pan"el\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Impaneledor Impanelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Impaneling or Impanelling.] [Pref. im- in + panel. Cf. Empanel.] [Written also empanel.] To enter in a list, or on a piece of parchment, called a panel; to form or enroll, as a list of jurors in a court of justice.


vb. (present participle of impanel English)


See impanel

  1. v. enter into a list of prospective jurors [syn: empanel]

  2. select from a list; "empanel prospective jurors" [syn: empanel, panel]

  3. [also: impanelling, impanelled]

Usage examples of "impanelling".

In order to prevent the inconvenience and scandal of such delays for the future, the institution of the Conclave (upon a principle that resembles the impanelling of our English juries) was established.