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n. (alternative spelling of immobiliser English)

Immobilizer (disambiguation)

An immobilizer is an electronic device fitted to an automobile which prevents the engine from running unless the correct key is present.

Immobilizer may also refer to:

  • Immobilizer (chess), a piece used in Baroque chess
  • " The Immobilizer", a 1985 television episode
  • An alternative name for a medical splint

Usage examples of "immobilizer".

A pebble hung there, caught in the immobilizer field and barely visible in the grey light before dawn.

In future, every Phansuri engineer should have an immobilizer gun in his tool kit.

Now, station regulations limit the permissible ammunition loads to frangibles and chemical immobilizers, no .

Now, station regulations limit the permissible ammunition loads to frangibles and chemical immobilizers, no .

To assist you in this, we are placing at your disposal four Immobilizer 418A Interdictor cruisers.

Auson clicked the plastic immobilizers on his arms together in a nervous tattoo, the limit of their motion.