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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Embody \Em*bod"y\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Embodied; p. pr. & vb. n. Embodying.] To form into a body; to invest with a body; to collect into a body, a united mass, or a whole; to incorporate; as, to embody one's ideas in a treatise. [Written also imbody.]

Devils embodied and disembodied.
--Sir W. Scott.

The soul, while it is embodied, can no more be divided from sin.


Embody \Em*bod"y\, v. i. To unite in a body, a mass, or a collection; to coalesce.

Firmly to embody against this court party.


vb. (archaic form of embody English)

Usage examples of "imbody".

Yet stand alone and isolated, because nothing that is imbodied, nothing that is conscious of separation, nothing that is out of the eternal, can aid you.

Every lesson learned in the first years of war had been imbodied in its design.

It is his highest praise, however, that he has imbodied this faith in a true work of art, which speaks for itself.

Under whose conduct Michael soon reduced His army, circumfused on either wing, Under their Head imbodied all in one.