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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ "What's happening about your new job?'' "The whole thing's rather iffy at the moment.''
▪ I was hoping to go to the beach today but it's looking iffy because of the weather.
▪ Your chances of finding a better job are iffy.
▪ Hatch started off demonizing a Clinton appointee who let four likely cocaine dealers free on an iffy technicality.
▪ He looked definitely iffy to me, but not the sort of bad lad who carries out hits.
▪ If the downside is iffy, the upside is certain.
▪ It is a very iffy thing, this schooling.
▪ It is more a mode of address for a slightly iffy constitutional compromise that is drawing peacefully towards its close.
▪ Policy decisions are always exercises in the iffy math of social tradeoffs.
▪ Some iffy assumptions color this approach to the goals of mainstreaming.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1937, American English, from if + -y (2). Originally associated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt.


a. 1 (context slang English) Of dubious authenticity, legitimacy or legality. 2 uncertain or chancy.


adj. subject to accident or chance or change; "a chancy appeal at best"; "getting that job was definitely fluky"; "a fluky wind"; "an iffy proposition" [syn: chancy, fluky, flukey]


Iffy may refer to:

  • Ifem "Iffy" Onuora - football coach and ex professional footballer.
  • If He Dies He Dies - heavy metal band from Michigan.
  • Immediately-invoked function expression, Javascript design pattern.
  • Iffy, adjective, uncertain or chancy.

Usage examples of "iffy".

Before he had time to check his e-mail, Iffy rolled into the sparse office, the whirr of the wheelchair motor noticeable.

DuCharme tiptoed behind Iffy, reached around, and, holding a paper bag with a bottle inside, poured in a touch of something stronger.

Sister saw Iffy in her motorized metal wheelchair festooned with party lights and sparklers, which Iffy intended to set off at midnight.

She turned to make her exit so these two could discover one another but was nearly run over by Iffy, who hit her brakes.

Gray and Garvey she noticed Iffy doing her best to butt into everything Jason and Freddie had to say to one another.

Thanks to the cold and the three feet of dirt she had been under, Iffy still had her nose.

His wife, horrified at the idea of baked bones in the house, told him to dump Iffy on the rosebushes, reminding him that ash is good for roses.

That idea soon faded, but Iffy could have worked with Garvey and discovered she was going to take the fall.

Garvey told Ben that Iffy told him to try it if he stiffened up, and also to take shark cartilage pills.

He stupidly buried Iffy over Jemima, but he only dug down about three feet.

I could accept it, my dear, because life is very iffy and I have busied up my years in good ways.

Never far behind, out of the WC, bustled Englebrecht the Dwarf Clock Boxer, who had gone ten rounds with the Greenwich Atom before that overrefined chronometer went down to an iffy punch in the eleventh.

Still, slugging things out nose to nose was an iffy proposi-tion when numbers were this even.

The pickup process was getting more and more iffy, since not only was Jane in her fifties, but lack of regular sleep and proper nutrition had been taking a toll for the past ten years.

I was working on liking myself but that was always an ongoing, iffy process.