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n. A member of the genus (taxlink Hypsilophodon genus) of small ornithopod herbivorous dinosaurs.


Hypsilophodonts (named after Hypsilophodon, itself derived from the Hypsilophus ("high-crested") genus of iguana lizard and literally meaning "Hypsilophus- tooth") were small ornithopod dinosaurs, regarded as fast, herbivorous bipeds on the order of 1–2 meters long (3.3–6.6 feet). They are known from Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North America, and South America, from rocks of Middle Jurassic to late Cretaceous age. The group traditionally has included almost all bipedal bird-hipped dinosaurs other than iguanodonts, and some early phylogenetic analyses found it to be a natural group, but more recent studies have found that the group is mostly paraphyletic and the taxa within represent a series leading up to Iguanodontia. Some of these studies have moved some traditional hypsilophodonts out of the Ornithopoda, such as Agilisaurus and Othnielosaurus (= Othnielia). Thus, the only certain member at this time is Hypsilophodon.

Usage examples of "hypsilophodont".

The Ornithopoda consist of the heterodontosaurs, hypsilophodonts, iguanodonts, and hadrosaurs.

The hypsilophodonts, it is generally believed, led to the more advanced iguanodonts and hadrosaurs.

Perhaps Proctor Lake was a breeding site, revisited year after year by hypsilophodont families.

Argentinean party working in Antarctica, and the following year a British party recovered a hypsilophodont there.

In one little depression, a dozen articulated and nearly complete skeletons of adolescent hypsilophodonts were found.

T-kings cull the weakest members of the herds, whether duckbills, boneheads, fleet-footed hypsilophodonts, or horned dinosaurs.

The screens now showed pictures of hypsilophodonts, and printed out data about them.

At the unexpected sound, the herd of hypsilophodonts suddenly leapt into the air and bounded above the grass like kangaroos, showing their full bodies with massive hind limbs and long tails in the afternoon sunlight.

On one of them, the hypsilophodonts leapt into the air as a pack of velociraptors entered the field from the west.

Grant was staring down at the ground, and he had a last glimpse of the hypsilophodonts, leaping gracefully as gazelles, moments before another explosion flared bright beneath them.