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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hydroxylamine \Hy*drox`yl*am"ine\, n. [Hydroxyl + amine.] (Chem.) A nitrogenous, organic base, NH2.OH, resembling ammonia, and produced by a modified reduction of nitric acid. It is usually obtained as a volatile, unstable solution in water. It acts as a strong reducing agent.


n. 1 (label en inorganic compound) An explosive inorganic derivative of ammonia, NH2OH, used as a reducing agent, and in organic synthesis. 2 (label en organic chemistry) Any organic derivative of this compound.


Hydroxylamine is an inorganic compound with the formula NHOH. The pure material is a white, unstable crystalline, hygroscopic compound. However, hydroxylamine is almost always provided and used as an aqueous solution. It is used to prepare oximes, an important functional group. It is also an intermediate in biological nitrification. In biological nitrification, the oxidation of NH to hydroxylamine is mediated by the enzyme ammonia monooxygenase (AMO). Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) further oxidizes hydroxylamine to nitrite.

Usage examples of "hydroxylamine".

Typically, two jets are used, one supplying the ammoniacal silver nitrate and the other a fast-acting reducing agent such as hydroxylamine sulfate (Schiffer, p.