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Hydrox is the brand name for the creme-filled chocolate sandwich cookie manufactured by Leaf Brands. It debuted in 1908, was originally manufactured by Sunshine (later Sunshine Biscuits) and was sold for over ninety years. The similar Oreo cookie, introduced later, in 1912, was inspired by the Hydrox, however the Oreo eventually exceeded it in popularity which resulted in the Hydrox coming to be perceived as a knockoff, even though it indeed was the original. The Hydrox was largely discontinued in 1999 after Sunshine was acquired by Keebler, which would later be acquired by Kellogg's. In September 2015 the product was re-introduced by Newport Beach-based Leaf Brands. Compared to Oreos, Hydrox cookies have a tangy, less-sweet filling and a crunchier cookie that gets less soggy in milk.

Hydrox (breathing gas)

Hydrox, a gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, was used as a breathing gas in very deep diving. It allows divers to descend several hundred metres.

Precautions are necessary when using hydrox, since mixtures containing more than a few percent of both oxygen and hydrogen are explosive if ignited. Hydrogen is the lightest gas (half the weight of helium) but still has a narcotic potential and may cause hydrogen narcosis.