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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Housewife \House"wife`\, n. [House + wife. Cf. Hussy.]

  1. The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household.

    He a good husband, a good housewife she.

  2. (Usually pronounced ?.) [See Hussy, in this sense.] A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for other articles of female work; -- called also hussy. [Written also huswife.]
    --P. Skelton.

  3. A hussy. [R.] [Usually written huswife.]

    Sailor's housewife, a ditty-bag.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

see housewife.


n. 1 (context obsolete English) A housewife. 2 (context obsolete English) A worthless woman; hussy. 3 A small case containing scissors, thread, needles(,) and other sewing things. vb. (context said of a woman English) To manage with frugality.

Usage examples of "huswife".

I had put my huswife upon it, you see, without being aware, and so it was quite hid, but I had it in my hand so very lately that I was almost sure it must be on the table.

And for my part, I was all in a fright for fear your sister should ask us for the huswifes she had gave us a day or two before.