n. a wheeled vehicle drawn by one or more horses
A horse-drawn vehicle is a mechanized piece of equipment pulled by one horse or by a team of horses. These vehicles typically had two or four wheels and were used to carry passengers and/or a load. They were once common worldwide, but they have mostly been replaced by automobiles and other forms of self-propelled transport.
Usage examples of "horse-drawn vehicle".
A horse-drawn vehicle rolled across the field, to distant cheers from the crowd.
Fanatical assassins, materializing out of snow and darkness, had succeeded in detonating a bomb right between the sled runners of the horse-drawn vehicle.
As I'm leading the horse-drawn vehicle back towards the warehouse I suddenly sense something unusual.
Not just any old hearse, but a beautiful Victorian horse-drawn vehicle.
In fact, it is as slow as a horse-drawn vehicle compared to a Formula One racer.
Having ridden on a horse-drawn vehicle to Chelsea, he would then walk slowly back east towards Mayfair, studying all the goods in the shop windows on the way.
Think of the travelers, in their droshky or sled or whatever the horse-drawn vehicle was, fleeing across the steppes, pursued by the ravenous pack.