Homotopia is a 2007 film by Eric A. Stanley and Chris Vargas. This film is a radical queer critique of the politics of gay marriage and assimilation. Using a gritty feminist shoot-and-run style the film is also heavily influenced by Born in Flames and The Battle of Algiers. The film addresses issues of racism, colonialism, AIDS and the state.
Homotopia uses a radical queer/feminist critique of the institution of marriage to undo the logic that "gay marriage" would lead to queer liberation. Loosely based on cinematic tradition Yoshi falls in lust with someone he met in a park bathroom while reading Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks. Sadly, the new love interest is about to get gay married. So Yoshi and his band of radical queers decide this wedding need not take place.
Homotopia stars San Francisco based performance/visual artist Jason/Joy Fritz, gender illusionist Susan Withans, Kentaro J. Kaneko who worked with gay shame, Ralowe T. Ampu formally of Deep Dickollective and author/activist Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore AKA Matt Bernstein Sycamore among others.
Homotopia is an international LGBT festival held annually in Liverpool, England and across various parts of Europe. The festival takes place every November and features a mixture of theatre, dance, film, photography, art, cabaret and debate at numerous venues across Liverpool and in other European cities.
Homotopia is a not for profit limited company with its headquarters at Liverpool’s Unity Theatre and is the only lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans combined arts organisation in the north of England.