Crossword clues for hima
A Hima is defined by the Qur'an as "a private pasture". All words being defined in the Qur'an itself are capitalized, so the word "Hima" would be in reference to the property of Allah Himself, Subhanu wa ta'Ala.
Directly referenced is Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadith No. 49, stating: Narrated An-Nu'man bin Bashir: I heard Allah's Messenger (pbuh) saying, "Both legal and illegal things are evident but in between them are doubtful (unclear) things, and most of the people have no knowledge about them. So whoever saves himself from these unclear things, he saves his religion and his honor. And whoever indulges in these unclear things is like a shepherd who grazes (his animals) near the Hima (the private pasture) of someone else, and at any moment he is liable to get in it. (O people!) Beware! Every king has a Hima and the Hima of Allah (SwtA) on earth is His illegal things (ie, His forbidden things). Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (ie, reformed), the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoiled, the whole body gets spoiled and that is the heart."
A ḥima ( ) "inviolate zone" refers to an area set aside for the conservation of natural capital, typically fields, wildlife and forests - contrast ḥaram, which defines an area protected for more immediate human purposes.
A Muslim has a specific obligation to practice stewardship over nature, and each species of animals is said to be "its own nation". "Human beings are God's representatives on earth. This means that if they are not charged with maintaining the world, or rending to it, they must at least not destroy it".
The selection of ḥimas was thus a religious rather than community obligation, and was often undertaken by the ulema.
There are five types of ḥima:
- areas where grazing of domestic animals is prohibited
- areas where grazing is restricted to certain seasons
- beekeeping reserves where grazing is restricted during flowering
- forest areas where cutting of trees is forbidden
- reserves managed for the welfare of a particular village, town or tribe (see also ḥaram, although that term usually refers more to water protection measures)
There are good examples of ḥima in the Middle East, some adopted by the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
Hima may refer to:
- Hima, the Sanskrit word for " snow"
- Himalayas, a mountain range in Asia, meaning "abode of snow" in Sanskrit
- Hima (environmental protection), an Arabic word meaning "inviolate zone" (boundary), and a system of environmental protection in Islam
- Hima, a ruling class of the Ankole kingdom in Uganda
- Hima people, the subgroup of Burundian Tutsi located in the south of the country
- Hima, Kentucky
- Hima, Uganda: A town in Kasese District, western Uganda
- Hima Cement Limited: A cement company, a subsidiary of Lafarge, whose main factory is located in Hima, Uganda
- Hima, the Khasi name for the traditional states of the Khasi people in the Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, Northeast India.
- Hima Dushanbe, a football club from Dushambe, Tajikistan
- Humat al-Hima (Defenders of the Homeland), the national anthem of Tunisia
- Yacine Hima (b. 1984), an Algerian football player
Usage examples of "hima".
They had proceeded above three miles, when Partridge, being unable any longer to keep up with Jones, called to him, and hima him a little to slacken his pace: with this he was the more ready to comply, as he had for some time lost the footsteps of the horses, which the thaw had enabled him to trace for several miles, and he was now upon a wide common, where were several roads.
The depression of spirits under which he had long labored arose partly from this state of his circumstances, and partly from the other disquietudes in which his connection with Lady Hamilton had involved hima connection which it was not possible his father could behold without sorrow and displeasure.
Bennett had been taken in when his sailing guild could no longer care for hima tradition long abandoned by other matriarchies, but proudly maintained by Lamatia.
The name in that same passport identified himas Sefior Ricardo Suertes, citizen of Argentina, and the name itself was his own grim joke against the world.
It gave hima lot of pleasure to think that someone who'd been raised in an unpainted shack with a bare light bulb dangling from the ceding could kick off his boots and sprawl on the couch in a fancy place like this.
So did Harkness, apparently, and he looked more like an HD writers concept of a pirate than a senior chief petty officer of Her Majestys Royal Manticoran Navyespecially with the pulser and bush knife he insisted on carrying everywhere with himas he frowned up into the small, electronics-packed compartment.
She held it out to hima ridiculous garment from the Citadel slop chest, clearly the former property of some actor or mountebank: broad bands of tarnished red and gold tinsel slashing the worn plum-covered velvet of its extravagant skirts.