Crossword clues for hibbertia
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Hibbertia \Hibbertia\ n. A genus of evergreen heathlike or scandent shrubs of Madagascar, Australasia, and Polynesia.
Syn: genus Hibbertia.
Hibbertia, or Guinea flower, is a genus of trees, shrubs, trailing shrubs and climbers of the family Dilleniaceae. The five-petalled flowers of all species are varying shades of yellow, with the exception of H. stellaris, H. miniata and H. selkii, a recently named (1980s) species from the Stirling Ranges, which all have orange flowers. Around 150 species occur in Australia of which two are also found in New Guinea. Additionally, 24 species occur in New Caledonia, one of which is also found in Fiji, and one other species is endemic to Madagascar. The genus is currently being revised by Helmut Toelken of the South Australian Herbarium.
The genus takes its name from George Hibbert (1757 - 1837), an eminent English merchant and amateur botanist.
Hibbertia is a genus of trilobites. A new species, H. aodiensis, was described from the late Ordovician of China by Dong-Chan Lee in 2012.
Usage examples of "hibbertia".
Archontophoenix and Livistona palms, and the giant Alsophila ferns-Cooperi and australis-and the promontories stood with their shaggy westringias and hibbertias and hardenbergias and white button-flowers all aglow, staring, staring, staring out over the blue lazy ocean, and casting blue and purple shadows across the yellow sand of the beach, even reaching to the masses of white foam that were swept ashore, when the little breakers were dashed to pieces, the enemy was seen on the top, above the dark wall of ironstone, right out on the edge, waving spears, and he was heard shouting to the family of Arrilla down on the beach.
Big old gnarled Banksia serrata leaned over bowing to the sea, and the underscrub was leptospermum and bracken fern with a tangle of hibbertia and smilax and hardenbergias.