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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hexokinase \Hex"o*kin"ase\, n. [Hexose + -kinase.] (Biochem.) an enzyme catalyzing the transfer of a phosphate residue from ATP to a hexose, as in the formation of glucose-6-phosphate from glucose.


n. (context enzyme English) Any enzyme that catalyses the phosphorylation of a hexose


A hexokinase is an enzyme that phosphorylates hexoses (six-carbon sugars), forming hexose phosphate. In most organisms, glucose is the most important substrate of hexokinases, and glucose-6-phosphate is the most important product. Hexokinase can transfer an inorganic phosphate group from ATP to a substrate.

Hexokinases should not be confused with glucokinase, which is a specific isoform of hexokinase. While other hexokinases are capable of phosphorylating several hexoses, glucokinase acts with a 50-fold lower substrate affinity and its only hexose substrate is glucose.

Usage examples of "hexokinase".

The Coris maintained that the hexokinase reaction was under continual inhibition under ordinary circumstances and that the action of insulin was to counteract this inhibition and to allow the reaction to proceed.