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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hereditament \Her`e*dit"a*ment\, n. [LL. hereditamentum. See Hereditable.] (Law) Any species of property that may be inherited; lands, tenements, anything corporeal or incorporeal, real, personal, or mixed, that may descend to an heir.

Note: A corporeal hereditament is visible and tangible; an incorporeal hereditament is not in itself visible or tangible, being an hereditary right, interest, or obligation, as duty to pay rent, or a right of way.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"inherited property," mid-15c., from Medieval Latin hereditamentum, from Latin hereditatem (see heredity).\n


n. 1 (context legal English) Property which can be inherited. 2 inheritance.


n. any property (real or personal or mixed) that can be inherited


In law, a hereditament (from Latin hereditare, to inherit, from heres, heir) is any kind of property that can be inherited.

Hereditaments are divided into corporeal and incorporeal. Corporeal hereditaments are "such as affect the senses, and may be seen and handled by the body; incorporeal are not the subject of sensation, can neither be seen nor handled, are creatures of the mind, and exist only in contemplation". An example of a corporeal hereditament is land held in freehold.

Examples of incorporeal hereditaments are hereditary titles of honour or dignity, heritable titles of office, coats of arms, prescriptive barony, rights of way, tithes, advowsons, pensions, annuities, rents, franchises, etc. The term is still used in the phrase "lands, tenements and hereditaments" to describe property in land, as distinguished from goods and chattels or movable property.

In England and Wales, the term is used in property taxation. A rateable hereditament is a property which fulfils the requirements to render it subject to a rating assessment. Assessments may apply to both corporeal and incorporeal hereditaments.

Usage examples of "hereditament".

Namely that I hereby create an Entail upon all the lands and hereditaments, tenements, messuages, and holdings: which Entail is vested in my Son, James, and the Heirs of his Body.

So note a diversity between a use or warranty, and the like things annexed to the estate of the land in privity, and commons, advowsons, and other hereditaments annexed to the possession of the land.

And also all that certain other tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being partly in said county of Erie and partly in the county of Genesee in said State, commonly called and known by the name of the Tonawanda Reservation, and containing by estimation twelve thousand eight hundred acres, be the same more or less: As the said several tracts of land have been heretofore reserved and are held and occupied by the Seneca Nation of Indians, or by individuals thereof, together with all and singular the rights, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances to each and every of the said tracts or parcels of land belonging or appertaining.