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The Collaborative International Dictionary
herd's grass

Timothy \Tim"o*thy\, n., or Timothy grass \Tim"o*thy grass`\ [From Timothy Hanson, who carried the seed from New England to Maryland about 1720.] (Bot.) A kind of grass ( Phleum pratense) with long cylindrical spikes; -- called also herd's grass, in England, cat's-tail grass, and meadow cat's-tail grass. It is much prized for fodder. See Illustration in Appendix.

herd's grass

Redtop \Red"top`\ (-t?p`), n. (Bot.) A kind of grass ( Agrostis vulgaris) highly valued in the United States for pasturage and hay for cattle; -- called also English grass, and in some localities herd's grass. See Illustration in Appendix. The tall redtop is Triodia seslerioides.

herd's grass

n. grass with long cylindrical spikes frown in northern United States and Europe for hay [syn: timothy, Phleum pratense]