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Hemileccinum is a genus of fungi in the family Boletaceae. It was erected in 2008 by Josef Šutara to contain two species united by common morphological features; H. depilatum and the type H. impolitum. In 2014, Wu et al. found it to be distinct from other bolete genera in a molecular phylogenetic study and found it to be most closely related to Corneroboletus. In 2015, H. subglabripes was transferred to Hemileccinum from Boletus based on DNA evidence.

Morphological Features of Xerocomoid Boletes

Boletus s.str.



Xerocomus s.str.

Spore Surface



Longitudinally striated or smooth, never bacilate


Hymenophoral trama

Boletoid type with gelatinous lateral strata

Boletoid type with gelatinous lateral strata

Intermediate between boletoid and phylloporoid when fully developed with distinct but weakly gelatinous lateral strata

Phylloporoid type with nongelatinous lateral strata


Trichoderm, sometimes collapsing, rarely ixotrichoderm or other

Initially trichoderm but collapses with age

Initially palisadoderm, typically encrusted

Initially a trichoderm, never encrusted

Lateral stipe stratum

Frequently gelatinous, 60-90 μM thick, thicker than that of Xerocomellus

Similar to that of Leccinum species, ornamented with stipe scabrousities up to 400-640 μM thick

Frequently not present, reduced to no more than 30-40 μM thick, not gelatinous

Lateral stipe stratum never gelatinous and 80-200 μM thick