n. an abnormal sound of the heart; sometimes a sign of abnormal function of the heart valves [syn: cardiac murmur, murmur]
Heart murmurs are heart sounds produced when blood flows across one of the heart valves that is loud enough to be heard with a stethoscope.
There are two types of murmurs. A functional murmur or " physiologic murmur" is a heart murmur that is primarily due to physiologic conditions outside the heart. Other types of murmurs are due to structural defects in the heart itself. Functional murmurs are benign (an " innocent murmur").
Murmurs may also be the result of various problems, such as narrowing or leaking of valves, or the presence of abnormal passages through which blood flows in or near the heart. Such murmurs, known as pathologic murmurs, should be evaluated by an expert.
Heart murmurs are most frequently categorized by timing, into systolic heart murmurs and diastolic heart murmurs, differing in the part of the heartbeat on which they can be heard. However, continuous murmurs cannot be directly placed into either category.
Usage examples of "heart murmur".
And who was to say the child had an infection anyway, and not something far more difficult to cure, like a heart murmur or kidney failure?
If the doctors let you hop a liner, that only means you don't have a heart murmur or an aneurysm.
Clete told the story, including the cover story of his heart murmur and his job down here making sure the Argentines weren't diverting American oil products to the Germans.
I could be of great help in Army Intelligence, and my substandard hearing and heart murmur wouldn’.
I could be of great help in Army Intelligence, and my substandard hearing and heart murmur wouldn 't matter in such a post.
I didn't hear that story about a heart murmur until two days afterwards when the man who bought her rang up to ask for the vet's report.
If the doctors let you hop a liner, that only means you dont have a heart murmur or an aneurysm.