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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
harmless fun (=not likely to upset or offend anyone)
▪ The game’s designer says it’s all a bit of harmless fun, but many parents disagree.
render sb/sth impossible/harmless/unconscious etc
▪ He was rendered almost speechless by the news.
▪ The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious.
▪ A little adultery now and then was harmless. As harmless as the man himself.
▪ When the newcomer was passed as harmless, they relaxed and turned back to their drinks.
▪ These ` sciences' are not, however, as harmless as they first appear.
▪ He does a lot of thinking even if he can't say what. As harmless as a baby.
▪ Introduce intellectual reasoning, and of course this threat is seen as harmless.
▪ And harmless enough. As harmless as her love for him.
▪ He was quite harmless, and he had time for them.
▪ It is quite harmless but doesn't look it.
▪ Industry feared that even quite harmless products might have to be subjected to lengthy and costly hearings as a result.
▪ Some of these, such as most small snails and limpets, are quite harmless.
▪ Despite its huge size, disturbing echoes and sinister atmosphere this hall is quite harmless. 19.
▪ As far as he's aware, Freddie is quite harmless and doesn't constitute a health hazard.
▪ It has been forced to reveal itself due to strict new regulations for healthier office environments and appears quite harmless!
▪ He wandered about this neck of the woods and he was quite harmless, he was fond of children.
▪ If heroin use proves relatively harmless to all concerned then we should advocate legal reform and controlled availability.
▪ Many divorces, particularly the 50 percent occurring among young couples without children, may be relatively harmless.
▪ A biopsy of brain tissue detected the presence of toxoplasmosis, which is relatively harmless in people with normally functioning immune systems.
▪ Maybe 90 percent of the species are relatively harmless.
▪ On this meter 100 units would be relatively harmless, so today's sunshine measuring up to 140 units was capable of burning.
▪ Only small, scattered and relatively harmless fires were still alight when the local fire brigade arrived.
▪ It will provide harmless fun for millions and give valuable funding to the Arts and sports.
▪ Obviously, he still thought he was just having a little harmless fun.
▪ He did not think people wanted harmless fun on Sunday.
▪ He'd never done it before but thought it sounded like harmless fun.
▪ On stage at least - far away from allegations of steroid abuse - it is good harmless fun.
harmless fun
▪ Essential oils are harmless to skin, provided they are used correctly.
▪ He's a little crazy, I know, but he's harmless enough.
▪ I don't know why you're so upset -- it was only a harmless bit of fun.
▪ Male mosquitoes are completely harmless - it's only the females that bite.
▪ Our dog makes a lot of noise, but he's perfectly harmless.
▪ Radioactive waste needs to be stored for 25,000 years before it is harmless.
▪ We need to persuade parents that almost all vaccines are harmless.
▪ At the other end of the scale a short list of names and addresses is not necessarily harmless.
▪ But some diseases remain fatal, while others quickly become almost harmless.
▪ He wanted people to applaud because harmless women had been killed.
▪ Judged harmless, Paul was released on his own cognizance.
▪ The harmless noises of the countryside surrounded him.
▪ Then the engine note was suddenly fading, turning light and harmless, and Dickinson felt the controls start to answer.
▪ There are over 80 strains, the vast majority symptomless and harmless.
▪ Those genes would produce a harmless protein that, once inside the body, would sound the false alarm of infection.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Harmless \Harm"less\ (h[aum]rm"l[e^]s), a.

  1. Free from harm; unhurt; as, to give bond to save another harmless.

  2. Free from power or disposition to harm; innocent; inoffensive. `` The harmless deer.''

    Syn: Innocent; innoxious; innocuous; inoffensive; unoffending; unhurt; uninjured; unharmed.
    -- Harm"less*ly, adv.- Harm"less*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "uninjured," from harm (n.) + -less. Meaning "undamaged" is from late 14c. Related: Harmlessly; harmlessness.


a. 1 incapable of causing harm or danger. 2 Not intended to harm; inoffensive.

  1. adj. not causing or capable of causing harm; "harmless bacteria"; "rendered the bomb harmless" [ant: harmful]

  2. not injurious to physical or mental health [syn: innocuous] [ant: noxious]

  3. not producing any toxic effects

  4. unlikely to harm or disturb anyone; "harmless old man" [syn: innocuous]

  5. not threatening to life or health; not malignant; "a benign tumor is usually harmless" [syn: nonmalignant]


The term harmless or harmlessness may be taken in several ways:

  • Ahimsa
  • The lack of harm
  • A legal term occurring in the contract law concept of hold harmless (indemnity). See also waiver.
  • Mostly Harmless The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • Harmlessness, a studio album by American emo band The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
  • "Harmlessness", song by Shona Laing on Shona (album) 1994

Usage examples of "harmless".

It is calculated that ever grown lion in South Africa kills for food, every year, between 200 and 300 harmless animals, and each one of which is as much entitled as the lion to the happiness of existence.

Matt was tempted-after all, it was a harmless little scene-but the antilitter habits of his own world took over, and he carefully thought of it disappearing as if erased with an art gum.

Daniel of Kiev in himself is a very ordinary and rather mendacious traveller, a harmless, devout pilgrim, as careless in all matters of fact as Antonine the Martyr.

Most Aussie ones are pretty harmless, but unfortunately, not all of them are.

For the rest, we came through a cave where you kept a tame snake, an ugly-looking reptile but very harmless to those who know how to deal with snakes and are not afraid of them as poor Bena was.

Only in the bizarro world of Hollywood can such a harmless little chap as George exude massive sexual potency.

He had not yet forgiven her for the fact that she was so very good at seeming a sweet, harmless, and slightly eccentric lady of a certain age, most concerned with blackfly on roses and the current state of the village church restoration appeal.

The botulinus toxin oxidises after twelve hours exposure to the atmosphere and becomes harmless.

As they circled the dusty corral Sheriff Wigan related the sad tale of Bubblehead Burnside, a hitherto harmless village idiot gone wrong.

Tobias Tweeney starts crying again, and I feel very sorry for him indeed, because I can see he is a friendly, harmless little fellow, and by no means accustomed to being tossed around by a doll, and a guy who is not accustomed to being tossed around by a doll always finds it most painful the first time.

Professor identified it as a harmless coelurosaur, but you could have fooled me.

Compared to them, the egalitarian Godmech Cogs were a harmless sect, even if their belief in the mechanicity of One True God was aggressively asserted.

As his deportment was sober and honest, and his intentions harmless, he was always treated, by Constantia, with politeness, though his entrance always produced a momentary depression of her spirits.

Large cracks appeared hi the ice with a sound of thunder, but only tiny crumblings brought particles down upon them, harmless as yet.

Shortly after Jerkline Jo left the beauty parlor of Lucy Dalles, mischievously bent on giving Ragtown a harmless little shock, Al Drummond sidled up to the old prospector at the bar in the Palace Dance Hall.