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n. 1 Part of an airframe designed to carry an external load such as a missile. 2 A metal screw thread embedded in a workbench to faciliate the mounting and removal of specific tools.


A hardpoint (more formally known as a station or weapon station) is a location on an airframe designed to carry an external or internal load. This includes a station on the wing or fuselage of a civilian aircraft or military aircraft where external jet engine, ordnance, countermeasures, gun pods, targeting pods or drop tanks can be mounted.

Usage examples of "hardpoint".

Hardpoints in the wings permitted the use of droppable auxiliary fuel tanks and could also be used to carry 1,000pound bombs.

Raj reflected it was just as well he'd ordered brass-tipped hardpoint rounds for this campaign as well as the usual hollowpoint expanding bullets.

On the right wing, I saw the normal load of eight Hellfire missiles, but on the other wing-stub 1 saw a huge metal drum held by a pair of cylinders that attached to the wing's two hardpoints.

Sparks flew as bullets spanged and flashed off the surface, but even the brass-tipped hardpoints wouldn't punch through.