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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gynaeceum \Gyn`[ae]*ce"um\ (j[i^]n`[-e]*s[=e]"[u^]m), Gynaecium \Gyn`[ae]*ci"um\ (j[i^]n`[-e]*s[imac]"[u^]m), n. [L., fr. Gr. gynaikei^on women's apartments, fr. gynh` a woman.] That part of a large house, among the ancients, exclusively appropriated to women. [Written also gyneceum, gynecium.]


n. (alternative form of gynæceum English)

Usage examples of "gyneceum".

One night, Ianira had fled the gyneceum and its imprisoning "respectability," driven by grief and terror into the night-dark streets of Athens.