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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also Gunter, masc. proper name, Old High German Gundhard, literally "bold in war," from gund "war" (see gun) + hart "hard, strong, bold" (see hard).


Gunther (Gundahar, Gundahari, Latin Gundaharius, Gundicharius, or Guntharius, Old English Gūðhere, Old Norse Gunnarr, anglicised as Gunnar) was a semi-legendary King of Burgundy in the early 5th century. Legendary tales about him appear in Latin, medieval Middle High German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, especially concerning his relations with Siegfried (Sigurd in Old Norse) and his death by treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.


Günther or Gunther and variants, Günter or Gunter, are Germanic names derived from Gunthere, Gunthari, composed of *gunþiz "battle" ( Old Norse gunnr) and heri, hari "army".

The name may refer to:

Günther (singer)

Mats Olle Söderlund is a Swedish musician and fashion model, best known under his stage name Günther.

Gunther (archbishop of Cologne)

Gunther or Gunthar (; died 8 July 873) was Archbishop of Cologne in Germany from 850 until he was excommunicated and deposed in 863.

Gunther belonged to a noble Frankish family and, if we may believe the poet Sedulius Scottus (Carm. 68 sqq. in "Mon. German. Histor.", Poetæ Lat., III, 221 sqq.), was a man of great ability. He was consecrated Archbishop of Cologne on 22 April 850 (Annal. Col., ad an. 850). For a long time he refused to cede his suffragan Diocese of Bremen to St. Ansgar who, in order to facilitate his missionary labours, desired to unite it with his Archdiocese of Hamburg. The affair was finally settled (c. 860) by pope Nicholas I in favour of St. Ansgar, and Gunther reluctantly consented.

Gunther, who had become archchaplain of King Lothair II, received an unenviable notoriety through his unjustifiable conduct in the divorce of this licentious king from his lawful wife Teutberga. At a synod held at Aachen in January, and another in February, 860, a few bishops and abbots, under the leadership of Gunther, compelled Teutberga to declare that before her marriage with the king she had been violated by her brother. Upon her compulsory confession the king was allowed to discard her and she was condemned to a convent. At a third synod held at Aachen in April, 862, Gunther and a few other Lorraine bishops allowed the king to marry his concubine Waldrada. Nicholas I sent two legates to investigate the case, but the king bribed them, and at a synod which they held in Metz, in June, 863, the divorce was approved. According to historian Baron Ernouf, Gunther was Waldrada's uncle and Thietgaud, Archbishop of Trier was her brother.

Gunther and his tool Thietgaud, were bold enough to bring the acts of the synod to the pope and ask for his approval. The pope convened a synod in the Lateran in October, 863, at which the decision of the Synod of Metz was rejected, and Gunther and Thietgaud, who refused to submit, were excommunicated and deposed. The two archbishops drew up a calumnious document of seven chapters (reprinted in P. L., CXXI, 377-380) in which they accused the pope of having unjustly excommunicated them. They sent copies of the document to the pope, the rebellious Photius, patriarch of Constantinople, and to the bishops of Lorraine. The pope, however, did not waver even when Emperor Louis II appeared before Rome with an army for the purpose of forcing him to withdraw the ban of excommunication from the archbishops.

Though excommunicated and deposed, Gunther returned to Cologne and performed ecclesiastical functions on Maundy Thursday, 864. When, however, the other bishops of Lorraine and King Lothair submitted to the pope, Gunther and Thietgaud appeared before the synod which the pope convened at Rome in November, 864, asking to be released from excommunication and restored to their sees, but they were unsuccessful.

After the accession of pope Adrian II, Gunther and Thietgaud returned to Rome in 867. Thietgaud was now freed from the ban, but Gunther remained excommunicated until the summer of 869, when, after a public retraction (P. L., CXXI, 381), he was admitted by the pope to lay communion at Monte Cassino abbey.

The See of Cologne had in 864 been given by Lothair to the subdeacon Hugh, a nephew of Charles the Bald. He was deposed in 866 and Gunther regained his see. Being under the ban, Gunther engaged his brother Hilduin of Cambrai to perform ecclesiastical functions in his place. After the death of Gunther's protector, Lothair II, Wilbert was elected Archbishop of Cologne (7 January, 870). Seeing that all efforts to regain his see would be useless, Gunther acknowledged the new archbishop and left Cologne for good.

He died in 873.

Günther (surname)

The surname Günther, Gunther, Günter, Gunter, or Guenther may refer to:

Günther (given name)

The given name Günther, Gunther, Günter or Gunter may refer to:

  • Gunther, semi-legendary king of Burgundy
  • Gunther Cunningham, American football coach for the Detroit Lions of the NFL
  • Günter Grass, (1927-2015), German novelist and Nobel laureate
  • Günther (singer), the stage name of Swedish singer and musician Mats Söderlund
  • Günther Krause, (*1953), German politician and businessman
  • Guenter Lewy, American political historian
  • Günther Lütjens, (1889-1941), Kriegsmarine admiral
  • Günter Meisner, German actor
  • Gunther of Bohemia, Bohemian hermit
  • Gunther of Cologne, Roman Catholic archbishop of Cologne
  • Günther Netzer, (* 1944), former German football player
  • Günther Rall, (1918-2009), German Luftwaffe pilot and third-ranking ace in history
  • Günther Reindorff, Estonian-Soviet graphic designer
  • Günther Schifter, Austrian radio presenter
  • Gunther Schuller, American musician
  • Günther Schumacher, German track and road cyclist
  • Günter Schulz, former guitarist of KMFDM and Excessive Force, current guitarist of Slick Idiot and live guitarist for PIG
  • Gunther von Hagens, (* 1945), German anatomist

Usage examples of "gunther".

If Gunther Glick wanted to follow a feeble phone tip, Macri was his dog on a leash.

Chinita Macri and Gunther Glick sat glued to the windshield of the BBC van.

Behind her, a breathless Gunther Glick gave her a wink and dissolved back into the crowd.

When I graduated, I looked around for the best way of supporting Joe Gunther without working.

Neither Ballard nor Gunther ever used the neuter pronoun in reference to the creature.

Metalman Products had done their usual satisfactory job, and Gunther improved on it.

As Gunther paid the air cabman, the detectives glanced at their wrist spotters and punched the red button set into each case.

This time Gunther waited till the physician had left, and then recovered the fork he had managed to secrete in his sleeve.

A few minutes was all he wanted, for Gunther knew the construction of these electromagnetic prison chairs.

After a bit, there was a crackling flash, and Gunther swore at the pain in his seared fingertips.

Missy Gunther, her hair freshly set and lacquered, did not need an introduction-she knew exactly who Mike Ainsel was.

Not the most exciting newspaper in the world, but truth to tell Missy Gunther thought that was probably the way most folk around here liked it.

He unpacked his shopping, put the food into the cupboards and the fridge, and then he opened the envelope Missy Gunther had given him.

Caught me some beauties too-one fellow must have been a six-, seven-pound brook trout, and that little Gunther so-and-so he kicked down each of the pools and threatened to report me to the DNR.

Paul Gunther to become such an object of scorn and derision for several counties around that he was forced to leave town entirely.