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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Distressing, precisely because it was so genuine, so guileless.
▪ His thoughts were in turmoil and his open guileless face reflected the chaos in his mind.
▪ I was guileless and awkward in sports.
▪ If Cynthia Coppersmith were nothing else, she was guileless.
▪ She was totally guileless, honest, with a mordant sense of humour and sardonic wit.
▪ Thorny presents sugar lumps in a plastic bowl and smiles; she expects something sinister in the smile but it is guileless.
▪ Urquhart is a manipulative murderer who could outfox Machiavelli, while Richardson seems utterly guileless.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Guileless \Guile"less\, a. Free from guile; artless. -- Guile"less*ly, adv. Guile"less*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1727, from guile + -less. Related: Guilelessly; guilelessness.


a. Free from guile; honest but naïve.

  1. adj. free from guile; "his answer was simple and honest" [syn: honest]

  2. free of deceit [syn: transparent]

Usage examples of "guileless".

But Fent met her gaze square on, his grin as wide and guileless as it had been when they were children.

So much that was heathen, so much that was bad, was mixed up with what might seem to be simple credulity, and the harmless folk-customs of some grandam tradition and immemorial usage, a song or a country dance mayhap, innocent enough on the surface, and even pleasing, so often were but the cloak and the mask for something devilish and obscene, that the Church deemed it necessary to forbid and proscribe the whole superstition even when it manifested itself in modest fashion and seemed guileless, innoxious, and of no account.

Felise and Nicolo possessed an abiding and guileless love for their elder sister.

He braved the gay and guileless laugh Of children with their nusses, The loud uneducated chaff Of clerks on omnibuses.

Her face wore an expressionless mouth below a pair of big, guileless eyes, the classic attitude of Sarc 3.

To me, alone blest among mortals, was it vouchsafed that I should wander amid groves hallowed by the presence of a pure and perfect love, gazing in the eyes of an Eve pure from every stain of mortal sin, as her guileless untempted prototype.

I step through the single gated opening in the high wall and wave to the sexton, a guileless old man named Samuel, whose principal job seems to be to sit on an overpainted metal bench near the neat little stone cottage just inside the cemetery gates, smiling vacuously at every person who enters the grounds.

She had that silky, swingy hair, those freckles across the bridge of her nose, those big, guileless, startlingly blue eyes.

It was becoming increasingly hard for Carmen to maintain her old image of the Poms as gentle, guileless creatures.

Then Carter did a wicked thing, offering his guileless host so many draughts of the moon-wine which the Zoogs had given him that the old man became irresponsibly talkative.

Carter did a wicked thing, offering his guileless host so many draughts of the moon-wine which the Zoogs had given him that the old man became irresponsibly talkative.

I had been so guileless, a foolish romantic girl who had never realized for one instance that when he saw our little home where we were to be so idyllically happy, he was seeing the fortune he expected me to inherit.

They were like a pack of unruly manitou, teasing little mysteries, forever following her about, asking questions, laying tricks, meeting her accusing looks with their guileless open gazes.

Hard by the mainmast pinrail, shredding a leg of roast lamb with neat teeth, Dhirken tipped him a guileless glance.

Nevertheless to those guileless souls, the words of the soutar sounded like blasphemy: was not her fate settled, and for ever?