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a. (en-comparative of: grassy)


See grassy

  1. adj. abounding in grass [ant: grassless]

  2. [also: grassiest, grassier]

Usage examples of "grassier".

The courageous effort of Colonel Grassier to win over the Sixth Legion, the more timid attempt of Lieutenant Colonel Howyne upon the Fifth, had failed.

The broader path, most traveled, struck southeast along the route made by the stream, while a grassier way pushed straight east into the trees.

The valley altered its character, becoming narrower and grassier, with the forest only in patches on infrequent promontories.

II Pale flakes with lingering stealth come feeling for our faces -- We cringe in holes, back on forgotten dreams, and stare, snow-dazed, Deep into grassier ditches.

I was thinking that the grass had never smelled grassier, the sky had never seemed so high.

Megan promised, the grassier terrain yielded no dust clouds and the sheltering hills and passes muted the sound of the motor as it made its way to the location.

Fern said when they had reached an easier, grassier place for walking.

I counted eight major slag-heaps in the distance, including one, the Double Grassier, which had been there in 19 15.