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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Her granddaddy came up here to farm in 1891, but her husband's family has been here longer.
▪ My granddaddy and my daddy both were police chiefs in this town.

n. (context informal English) A grandfather.


n. the father of your father or mother [syn: grandfather, gramps, granddad, grandad, grandpa]

Usage examples of "granddaddy".

Yes, mam, de Bill Greggs had a heap of slaves cause dey had my grandmammy en my granddaddy en dey had a heap of chillun.

The homeplace, the house Daddy had brung Mama to all them long years before, the house his granddaddy had built after the War between the States.

Besides, such little ladies would never have gone all out for anybody wearing black ear muffs like a granddaddy.

Surely it had not weighed so heavily on his granddaddy, like the massive, unsheddable shell of a loggerhead.

The IIS, or Mukhabbarat, is the granddaddy of Iraq's intelligence agencies, and its responsibilities are all-inclusive.

Another tune, sung by a tall thin man with a deep bass voice, told of the trials of a man bent on catching an ancient granddaddy smacker fish which had once demolished his small fishing boat with a negligent flick of its massive tail.

Anyway, Casey comes in bright as a new penny and says she wants me to merge with Hed-Opticals which she says grossed $277,600 last year, and then together, we'd go after Randolf Opticals, the granddaddy of them all 53 million in sales, quoted on the Big Board, a huge slice of the lens market and lots of cash in the bank and I said you're crazy but why Randolf?

Anyway, Casey comes in bright as a new penny and says she wants me to merge with Hed-Opticals which she says grossed $277,600 last year, and then together, we'd go after Randolf Opti-cals, the granddaddy of them all-53 million in sales, quoted on the Big Board, a huge slice of the lens market and lots of cash in the bank-and I said you're crazy but why Randolf?

How different things might be if we'd used some sense, or if our granddaddies had, I mean?

People got hurt, had to uproot themselves and leave homes their granddaddies built.

They've got the granddaddies of all dust storms, cover the whole damned planet, like that one back in November of seventy-one.

Charlton Heston had lifted up his staff and they'd all been organized and ready to go, and the whole clear-out had taken about three minutes of screen time, goats and granddaddies and all, leaving not so much as a crumpled bread wrapper or a pile of dog droppings on the tidy streets of Thebes.

But Daddy always said that neither of our granddaddies should be believed when they tell stories about that place named Earth.

Don't you know that science has progressed while your granddaddies were locked up in their iron coffin?

He had the physical build of the type of spider called a granddaddy longlegs, and he was all bone and whipcord sinew.