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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bashaw \Ba*shaw"\, n. [See Pasha.]

  1. A Turkish title of honor, now written pasha. See Pasha.

  2. Fig.: A magnate or grandee.

  3. (Zo["o]l.) A very large siluroid fish ( Leptops olivaris) of the Mississippi valley; -- also called goujon, mud cat, and yellow cat.


Etymology 1 n. A mudcat. Etymology 2

n. A thin strip of food, usually fish or chicken.


n. large catfish of central United States having a flattened head and projecting jaw [syn: flathead catfish, mudcat, shovelnose catfish, spoonbill catfish, Pylodictus olivaris]


The Goujon was a French automobile manufactured from 1896 until 1901. A four-seater voiturette, it featured an air-cooled 3½ hp engine.

Goujon (disambiguation)

Goujon(s) may refer to:

  • Jean Goujon, a French Renaissance sculptor
  • a French automobile
  • Goujon, a small, fried strip of fish or meat
  • a French word which describes a threaded stud

Usage examples of "goujon".

Bossut had resumed his seat behind the desk and Goujon was sprawling between the desk and the prisoner.

He knew nothing save that a cripple named Goujon had visited him and had induced him to send his subordinate and a small squad to search a certain house in the Rue des Pipots, where the prisoner, Rollin, was supposed to have held converse with the noted English spy known as the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Pierre Chambiges et de Jean Goujon, qui se trouvait conducteur des travaux de Notre-Dame au moment ou un des arcs primitifs se rompit.

Rouen cathedral, attributed to Jean Goujon and Jean Cousin, is a splendid example of French Renaissance work.

You will visit La Verrerie, admire Goujon and Limousin, take wine with the professors of the College, take lessons in drawing from Primaticcio, listen to readings by the Brigade and recitals by Arkadelt.

Odiot in the candlesticks and the smooth turns of Jean Goujon in the marble rendering of Mary.

Jean Goujon in 1549, stood at the entrance to the Cemetery of the Holy Innocents, near the junction of the rue Saint-Denis and the rue Saint-Honore.

At the moment when a ball struck on the scaffold of the Fontaine des Innocents Jean Goujon who had found the Pagan chisel of Phidias, Ronsard discovered the lyre of Pindar and founded, aided by his pleiad, the great French lyric school.

A baguette filled with slices of rare steak and a packet of chicken goujons disappeared as she wolfed them down.

And whenever the French have been given a musical art of their own, whenever a composer comparable to the Goujons and Montaignes, the Renoirs and the Baudelaires has made his appearance among them, they generally have been swift to turn from him and to prefer to him not only foreigners, which would not necessarily be bad, but oftentimes the least respectable of musicians.

The tomb of Cavaignac reminded me, I must confess without making any comparison, of the chef d'oeuvre of Jean Goujon: the recumbent statue of Louis de Breze in the subterranean chapel of the Cathedral of Rouen.

The last of the veritable fanatics, Romme, Goujon, Soubrany, Duquesnoy, Bourbotte and Duroy are condemned to death, Immediately after the sentence five of them stab themselves on the stairs of the tribunal.