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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gorged \Gorged\, a.

  1. Having a gorge or throat.

  2. (Her.) Bearing a coronet or ring about the neck.

  3. Glutted; fed to the full.


Gorge \Gorge\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gorged; p. pr. & vb. n. Gorging.] [F. gorger. See Gorge, n.]

  1. To swallow; especially, to swallow with greediness, or in large mouthfuls or quantities.

    The fish has gorged the hook.

  2. To glut; to fill up to the throat; to satiate.

    The giant gorged with flesh.

    Gorge with my blood thy barbarous appetite.

  1. 1 With a stomach stuffed full of food. 2 (lb en heraldry) With the neck collared or encircled by an object. v

  2. (en-past of: gorge)


adj. fed beyond capacity or desire [syn: sated, surfeited]

Usage examples of "gorged".

Whereat I stood musing and commending to my selfe the ingenious and apt inuention of the Arthist, in the vse of such a stone, which of his owne nature to contrarie proportions affoorded contrarie coulers, and in such sort as by the raysing vp of hir small plummage aboue hir seare, hir beack halfe open, and hir toung appearing in the middest thereof, as if she had beene resolutely intended, and eagerly bent to haue gorged hir selfe vpon it.

I simply hauled the carcass back to the bothy, took the pelt, and gorged on the meat until I grew sick.

Between them and the vision, between the fecund San Joaquin, reeking with fruitfulness, and the millions of Asia crowding toward the verge of starvation, lay the iron-hearted monster of steel and steam, implacable, insatiable, huge--its entrails gorged with the life blood that it sucked from an entire commonwealth, its ever hungry maw glutted with the harvests that should have fed the famished bellies of the whole world of the Orient.

Yossarian busted Nately in the nose on Thanksgiving Day, after everyone in the squadron had given humble thanks to Milo for providing the fantastically opulent meal on which the officers and enlisted men had gorged themselves insatiably all afternoon and for dispensing like inexhaustible largess the unopened bottles of cheap whiskey he handed out unsparingly to every man who asked.

So in the daytimes we journeyers had not been able to beg even a dipper of well water from any Muslim establishment, while in every one of them, every day after sundown, we were absolutely gorged to stupefaction.

She writhed as the gorged crown of his shaft nuzzled and prodded at the soft down-covered mound of her passion.

So their band had waited until the Rattler was fully distended, lying like a gorged tube of scratched aluminum, beginning to excrete ingots of ore.

Sabrino gorged himself on crumbly white cheese, almost preserved with salt and garlic, olives even saltier than the almonds, and breads with wheat and barley flour dusted with sesame seeds.

The skep full was indeed a wonderful feast for them, they bit greedily into the heavy scented comb, their jaws were drowned in the sticky flood of sweetness, and they gorged themselves on it without restraint.

If the timing was right, the bladderlike animals would be gorged on those flickering biologies everyone saw but could not reach.

At distances all over the surface of the kraal were the remains of fires, round each of which slept some five-and-twenty Masai, for the most part gorged with food.

The Lenten fast, which was the one fast kept by all classes of society, began after Shrovetide, the most colourful of the Russian holidays, when everybody gorged themselves on pancakes and went for sleigh rides or tobogganing.

I was the girl-child Thecla, had told me once that smilodons drink only after they have gorged themselves, and that when they have gorged and drunk they are not dangerous unless molested.

It was well for Graham, Hunter, McNeill, and their brigades that William Connor and the Berkshires and the Subadar Goordit Singh had no idle time in which to sear their difficulties, for, before another khamsin gorged the day with cutting dust, every department of the Service, from the Commissariat to the Balloon Detachment, was filling marching orders.

On the other hand, they gorged a tadpole with thyroxin, and almost immediately it changed to a frog.