GoPago (pronounced ‘go’-’PAY’-’go’) is a cloud-based mobile payment platform with an integrated point of sale system, based in Pasadena, CA. GoPago’s payment platform allows customers to purchase orders in advance of arriving at brick-and-mortar merchants and merchants to manage orders in real-time. In August 2012, GoPago released GoPago LIVE, an application-based tablet point of sale system, which are free to merchants. GoPago’s mobile payments platform is cloud-based, which allows transactions processing without near-field communications or QR-code technologies. On December 11, 2013 Amazon (Global Payment Services) reached an agreement with GoPago to buy a license to its technology and hire certain members of its engineering team. On December 20, 2013, mobile commerce company DoubleBeam acquired all of the assets of GoPago, including all customers, systems, products, brand name and IP portfolio. On February 20, 2015 DoubleBeam was acquired by Verifone, Inc (NYSE: PAY), and GoPago was subsequently rebranded as Verifone Cloud POS.