Crossword clues for goddam
The Collaborative International Dictionary
goddam \god"dam\ goddamn \god"damn\ goddamned \god"damned\adj. A more intense and vulgar form of darned; -- often taken as profane and offensive. [vulgar]
Syn: blasted, blessed, damn, darned, deuced.
interj. (misspelling of goddamn English)
adj. expletives used informally as intensifiers; "he's a blasted idiot"; "it's a blamed shame"; "a blame cold winter"; "not a blessed dime"; "I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing"; "he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool"; "a deuced idiot"; "tired or his everlasting whimpering"; "an infernal nuisance" [syn: blasted, blame, blamed, blessed, damn, damned, darned, deuced, everlasting, goddamn, goddamned, infernal]
Goddam may refer to:
- Adam Goddam (c. 1300–1358), English Franciscan theologian
- Goddam, the parody of Gollum in the book Bored of the Rings
- les goddams, a French ethnic slur for English people
Usage examples of "goddam".
Whoever wants to play elephas maximus of the order Proboscidea can have these goddam things.
That was where he wanted to be if he had to be there at all, instead of hung out there in front like some goddam cantilevered goldfish in some goddam cantilevered goldfish bowl while the goddam foul black tiers of flak were bursting and booming and billowing all around and above and below him in a climbing, cracking, staggered, banging, phantasmagorical, cosmological wickedness that jarred and tossed and shivered, clattered and pierced, and threatened to annihilate them all in one splinter of a second in one vast flash of fire.
It was the slowest and most primitive kind of safe-cracking, but it was the only thing that could possibly work against that goddam bastard son of a bitch The padlock.
But a lot of people thought the nukes were a good way to get rid of the goddam thing.
I kept laying there in the dark anyway, though, trying not to think about old Jane and Stradlater in that goddam Ed Banky's car.
I sat down in this vomity-looking chair in the lobby and thought about her and Stradlater sitting in that goddam Ed Banky's car, and though I was pretty damn sure old Stradlater hadn't given her the time– I know old Jane like a book– I still couldn't get her off my brain.
The idea of Rose's changing enough to walk out of the house with his goddam ATM card took hold again in his mind, took hold in a gnawing, beavery way he could hardly stand.
Now that the fireworks are over we have to go show Isobel off to every goddam bheroman and knight in the joint, and get the king’s blessing and—“You needn’t smirk about it,” Rick said.
I cleaned up her shit and listened to her rave on about the sheets and the dust bunnies and her goddam china pig.
Then, "Magnus, Celestus - I'm going to check this goddam thing from the tower.
That goddam Christless ride in the little plane (and soon to do over again), all for nothing.
We've got the Shuttle coming up, if those goddam congresscritters don't turn it into pork for their own districts.
Listen you get a hold of that fanner and tell him Dingleman is the biggest, fattest, dirtiest, goddam Jew who ever lived.
We've told 'em we'll also take out their Typhoons and Alfas - why, for God's sake, are you Limeys being so goddam long about it?
And put my goddam stupid wishful thinking in the ash can where it belongs.