vb. 1 (&lit go for English) 2 (context transitive English) To try for, to attempt to reach. 3 (context transitive English) To undertake (an action). 4 (context transitive English) To attack. 5 (context transitive English) To develop a strong interest in, especially in a sudden manner; to be infatuated with. 6 To favor, accept. 7 (context transitive English) To apply equally to.
v. be pertinent or relevant or applicable; "The same laws apply to you!"; "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"; "The same rules go for everyone" [syn: apply, hold]
give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution" [syn: accept, consent] [ant: refuse]
intend with some possibility of fulfilment; "I hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening" [syn: hope]
have a fancy or particular liking or desire for; "She fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's window" [syn: fancy, take to]
make an attempt at achieving something; "She tried for the Olympics" [syn: try for]
Usage examples of "go for".
Let us go for a stroll on the beach so I can see if your swimsuit matches the sand.
I hurried to my bedroom and debated using the fire escape to go for help.
If that wasn't possible, I'd have to talk to him and wait for the right moment to go for the spray.
Still, if she wanted to wear biker shorts, I thought she should go for it.
But in the safety video they'd said to go for the bridge of an attacker's nose.
You can mix it with water and drink it, and a man can go for miles on it.