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n. (plural of glycoside English)

Usage examples of "glycosides".

This five-ring steroid combines with certain sugarlike molecules to form glycosides (gly'koh-sidez.

Such compounds are used in the treatment of specific heart disorders and are therefore called the cardiac glycosides (kahr'dee-ak.

The cardiac glycosides are helpful and even life-saving in the proper doses, but in improper doses can, of course, kill.

Steroids similar to those in the cardiac glycosides are found in the secretions of the salivary glands of toads, and these are called toad poisons.

And a group of militant anti-GM campaigners are being pursued by Interpol, after their announcement that they have spliced a metabolic pathway for cyanogenic glycosides into maize seed corn destined for human-edible crops.