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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
seeds germinate (=start to grow)
▪ The seeds should start to germinate after a few days.
▪ If it ends up in a bark crevice, the seed may germinate and penetrate the tree.
▪ Some aquatic plants develop seeds which germinate immediately after maturing.
▪ For example, conditions necessary for seeds to germinate were often studied in much the same way by successive age groups.
▪ Relatively large seeds germinate immediately after ripening.
▪ When seeds start to germinate, tray may be brought into gentle heat.
▪ The seeds of self-doubt germinate easily in such sad soil, and flourish in such desolate climates.
▪ Most seeds germinate best between 85 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
▪ The idea of forming a business partnership began to germinate in his mind.
▪ Because polyanthus are more difficult to germinate, start them off in seed trays or pots in a greenhouse or cold frame.
▪ Most nurseries write off one in 10 plants, for failing to germinate, thrive or being destroyed by pests.
▪ Relatively large seeds germinate immediately after ripening.
▪ Seeds are formed readily and germinate satisfactorily.
▪ Some aquatic plants develop seeds which germinate immediately after maturing.
▪ The spores do germinate, go through a few perfunctory cell divisions, then give up the ghost.
▪ Under these conditions many will germinate successfully.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Germinate \Ger"mi*nate\, v. t. To cause to sprout.
--Price (1610).


Germinate \Ger"mi*nate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Germinated; p. pr. & vb. n. Germinating.] [L. germinatus, p. p. of germinare to sprout, fr. germen. See Germ.] To sprout; to bud; to shoot; to begin to vegetate, as a plant or its seed; to begin to develop, as a germ.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, probably a back-formation from germination. Earlier germynen (mid-15c.) was from Latin germinare. Figurative use from 1640s. Related: Germinated; germinating.


vb. 1 To sprout or produce buds. 2 To cause to grow.

  1. v. produce buds, branches, or germinate; "the potatoes sprouted" [syn: shoot, spud, pullulate, bourgeon, burgeon forth, sprout]

  2. work out; "We have developed a new theory of evolution" [syn: evolve, develop]

  3. cause to grow or sprout; "the plentiful rain germinated my plants"

Usage examples of "germinate".

The other acorn, although emplaced in a setting attuned to the first through both similarity and contagion, did not germinate as a result of the spell and, in fact, could not be located despite diligent search at the close of the experiment.

The berries are attractive to small birds, who swallow them whole, and afterwards void the seeds, to germinate when thus scattered about.

Haeckel represents the aggregate of a million moneras visibly covering the sea-bottom, but germinated from one invisible speck.

Between imbalanced grimwards, and Khadrim flying free, Luhaine gloomily tallied the seeds of disaster that lay primed and ready to germinate.

Then, when the last had germinated, bloomed, and seeded, Brassey House would transform the art of gardening, the world over, by announcing the propagation and sale of thousands of new species of flowers, the humblest of them fit to queen it over the proudest flower on earth.

Her hat, which was flowery, resembled those punnets, covered with flannel, which we sowed with mustard and cress in our childhood, and which germinated here yes, and there no.

In the rich soil of the sunshiny bank of the stream which trickled across his little tableland, the seed germinated quickly, and then the pale green shoots came feebly above the surface of the ground.

Both seeds of the Avena germinated, one grew well, the other had its radicle brown and withered.

The human extractor has the advantage that he or she can distinguish the diseased, unripe or germinated beans and separate them from the good ones.

Then the Bull and the Ram, animals most valuable to the agriculturist, and symbols themselves of vigorous generative power, recovered their vigor, the birds mated and builded their nests, the seeds germinated, the grass grew, and the trees put forth leaves.

Most fruit tastes best when it is ripest, which is often just when its seeds are ready to germinate.

As a germinated seed seeks its way out of the ground into the light of day, I longed to break free of the old thoughtways that stifled me and restrained my inspiration.

In such quarters not only do the tubers increase quickly, but the seed germinates, and if such positions are allowed it, and garden tools kept off, there will soon be a dense carpet of golden flowers to brighten the wintry aspect of the open garden.

In order to observe how long the aftereffects of light lasted, a pot with seedlings of Phalaris, which had germinated in darkness, was placed at 10.

Germinate it cannot without some external influence, or communion, so to speak, with the elements from which it derives its sustenance and support.