GEO-LEO (GEO Library Experts Online) is a virtual library for the specialty fields of mining, geography, maps, Earth sciences, and astronomy. This is a free Internet portal to search for, find and obtain books, periodicals, articles, websites and maps in the context of geosciences. Free or licensed full texts, e.g. from e-journals, are directly accessible. Furthermore you can publish your own papers in GEO-LEOe-docs.
GEO-LEO is a service provided by the university library “Georgius Agricola” of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the Göttingen State and University Library (Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, SUB) of the University of Göttingen. This cooperation is based on the DFG´s ( Germany's Research Foundation) “national distributed library plan”, which shares the scientific literature provision between selected university libraries, each with special scientific priorities. Both libraries have a similar focus on the geosciences aspects of this library plan and therefore they cooperate closely. This is the background of their partnership and of the project GEO-LEO, funded by the DFG since 2002.