Crossword clues for gaymer
n. (context slang video games English) A homosexual gamer.
Gaymer and gay gamer are umbrella terms used to refer to the group of people who identify themselves as gay and have an active interest in the video game community, also known as gamers. Bisexual or transgender gamers are sometimes categorized under this term.
This demographic has been the subject of two large surveys that attracted press coverage: by Jason Rockwood in 2006, who noted the level of prejudice that gaymers endure, and another one in 2009 focusing on what gaymers expect of video games. A gaming convention oriented to LGBT gaming and geek culture, GaymerX, took place on August 3 and 4, 2013, in San Francisco. Some game publishers introduce LGBT themes in their games to attract this market segment, and news companies cover salient examples of gay-friendly content, and incidents and controversies that these themes raise among their player bases.
Chris Vizzini, owner of the gaming site, was involved with several online communities (in special with Reddit) between 2007 and 2013 in a controversy and legal dispute over the trademark of the term gaymer, which ended when Vizzini surrendered the right to the term and the trademark was cancelled.