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a. (en-comparativegauzy)


See gauzy

  1. adj. so thin as to transmit light; "a hat with a diaphanous veil"; "filmy wings of a moth"; "gauzy clouds of dandelion down"; "gossamer cobwebs"; "sheer silk stockings"; "transparent chiffon"; "vaporous silks" [syn: diaphanous, filmy, gossamer, see-through, sheer, transparent, vaporous, cobwebby]

  2. [also: gauziest, gauzier]

Usage examples of "gauzier".

Though puzzled by the phenomenon, I took it more-or-less in stride and followed him, noticing that this figure was somewhat dimmer and gauzier than the one who remained seated, a colored shadow of sorts.

A breeze blows in from the distant sea and flutters both the terrace curtains and the gauzier material around the crib.