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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Gastrodia sesamoides

Yam \Yam\ (y[a^]m), n. [Pg. inhame, probably from some native name.]

  1. (Bot.) A large, esculent, farinaceous tuber of various climbing plants of the genus Dioscorea; also, the plants themselves. Mostly natives of warm climates. The plants have netted-veined, petioled leaves, and pods with three broad wings. The commonest species is Dioscorea sativa, but several others are cultivated.

  2. (Bot.) Any one of several cultural varieties of the sweet potato. [U. S.] Chinese yam, a plant ( Dioscorea Batatas) with a long and slender tuber, hardier than most of the other species. Wild yam.

    1. A common plant ( Dioscorea villosa) of the Eastern United States, having a hard and knotty rootstock.

    2. An orchidaceous plant ( Gastrodia sesamoides) of Australia and Tasmania.

Gastrodia sesamoides

Gastrodia sesamoides is a saprophyte in the Orchid family. Common names include Potato Orchid, Native Potato, Bell Orchid and Cinnamon Bells.

The Potato Orchid is found in Australia and New Zealand. This leafless plant occurs in a variety of habitats; often growing in leaf litter in high rainfall areas. Indigenous Australians have been known to eat the tubers, hence the potato reference in the common name. Aboriginal peoples located the plants in habitat by observing where bandicoots had scratched in search of the tubers after detecting the plants underground by scent. The flavour of the tuber is said to resemble that of the beetroot, though insipid and watery. Within the tubers are beneficial bacteria and fungi. The fungal filaments supply soil nutrients to the plant and the root bacteria synthesizes nitrogen for the plant. The root tubers may grow to long and thick.

The original specimen was collected at Sydney in 1803. But now it is considered rare or extinct near Sydney. Flowering occurs between August and January, on a raceme. The flowers are self-pollinating and produce an appealing cinnamon-like scent. The flowers are somewhat unusual, as the sepals and petals are fused into a tube. Stems are between tall.

A difficult plant to grow in cultivation. The fungal and bacterial agents need to be present, and root disturbance is often fatal. Fungicides and fertilizers are to be avoided. A sheltered humus rich situation is preferred. Propagation from seed is not easy, and the collection of seeds in the wild is often illegal.

The specific epithet sesamoides refers to a supposed similarity to the sesame plant. This species first appeared in scientific literature in the year 1810, in the Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae, authored by the prolific Scottish botanist Robert Brown.