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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gasify \Gas"i*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gasified; p. pr. & vb. n. Gasifying.] [Gas + -fy.] To convert into a gas, as by the application of heat, or by chemical processes.

  1. Converted into a gas v

  2. (en-past of: gasify)


See gasify


adj. converted into a gas or vapor [syn: vaporized, vaporised, volatilized, volatilised]

  1. v. turn into gas; "The substance gasified" [syn: vaporize, vaporise, aerify]

  2. [also: gasified]

Usage examples of "gasified".

The winter suit he was wearing at that moment was as much like a spacesuit as the designers could make it, and the frigid numbing downvalley breeze was like breathing purified oxygen just gasified from liquid stock, and insufficiently warmed.

You took any piece, crushed it, gasified it, ionized it, put it through the electromagnetic isotope separator, and drew forth as much (or, rather, as minutely little) germanium as any other piece would have given you.

The winter suit he was wearing at that moment was as much like a space suit as the designers could make it, and the frigid numbing down-valley breeze was like breathing purified oxygen just gasified from liquid stock, and insufficiently warmed.

You took any piece, crushed it, gasified it, ionized it, put it through the electromagnetic isotope separator, and drew forth as much—or, rather, as minutely little—germanium as any other piece would have given you.