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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
gas station
▪ At nine o'clock he drove to the gas station two blocks south of the hotel.
▪ Dangling from one hand he carried the object he had brought from the corpse-strewn forecourt of the gas station.
▪ I tried it on two teen-agers at a gas station.
▪ In many towns I stopped in, the public buildings were a store, a gas station, and a museum.
▪ Paul was injured during an attempted hold-up of the gas station in which he worked.
▪ She then began pointing to a gas station, or what used to be a gas station.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
gas station

Service station \Serv"ice station\ a business where automobiles may be serviced and repaired, usually also having a gasoline vending apparatus, in which case it is also called a gas station or gasoline station. Facilities for repair of automobiles but without a gasoline dispensing function are commonly called repair shops.

gas station

n. (context North America English) A place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car or into an approved container.

gas station

n. a service station that sells gasoline [syn: gasoline station, filling station, petrol station]

Gas Station

Usage examples of "gas station".

He pulled out and drove around the side of the gas station, his headlight beams for a moment catching another pair of emeralds, cat's eyes glistening warily from the tall grass by the Conoco station's ladies' room door.

She had squeezed the corpse out of her body in a gas station bathroom near Baltimore, her stomach lacerated with glass and metal.

To the right, over the leafless trees, was a tall Shell gas station sign.

We were at a well-lit gas station, just before midnight on a Friday night, and anything he did was in full view of any cars going by.

His source with the telephone company had traced the number in General Fisher's black book to a public phone in a gas station.

He found the gas station in an industrial area near the rail yards.

A motel clerk near Washington, and a gas station attendant in South Carolina.