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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ What if she thawed out and is planning to garrotte Matthew Kelly with one of his own sparkly waistcoats?

n. 1 an iron collar formerly used in Spain to execute people by strangulation 2 something, especially a cord or wire used for strangulation vb. (context transitive English) to execute by strangulation


n. an instrument of execution for execution by strangulation [syn: garrote, garotte, iron collar]


v. strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain" [syn: garrote, garotte, scrag]

Usage examples of "garrotte".

He was even more surprised and delighted to discover that every bit of his clothing had been cleaned and neatly folded before being put in the pack, and all but one of his hidden knives and garrottes from said clothing laid out neatly by the pack.

Victor thought, and he garrotted the unruly mind of a man really feeling devoutness in the presence of the shadow thrown by the dread Shade.

If you can take him down I can garrotte the other one with my apron string, whispered Tonker in her ear, between howls.

There's other times and other places that would properly appreciate two pair of dab hands with the garrotting wire and the boning knife.

In 1916, soldiers looking for petrol at a farm near Czinkota, Hungary, discovered more than twenty petrol drums, each containing the garrotted corpse of a woman preserved in alcohol.

He ordered the worst offenders garrotted, and he placated the rest of the men with promises which I am sure he has kept.

Zyanya laughed the whole way back, even laughed when we presented the gift to Ahuítzotl and he ordered me garrotted on the spot.

The reason for this is as follows: the Guild was given an annual quota which represented a socially acceptable level of thefts, muggings and assassinations, and in return saw to it in very definite and final ways that unofficial crime was not only rapidly stamped out but knifed, garrotted, dismembered and left around the city in an assortment of paper bags as well.

The reason for this is as follows: fhe Guild was given an annual quota which represented a socially acceptable level of thefts, muggings and assasinations, and in return saw to it in very definite and final ways that unofficial crime was not only rapidly stamped out but knifed, garrotted, dismembered and left around the city in an assortment of paper bags as well.

Apparently it was not understood that in most cases of garrotting, the ligature - in this case a cord - is pulled tightly around the neck and compresses the carotid arteries or jugular veins, cutting off the blood supply to the brain.

This epidemic of garrotting must receive the prompt attention of authorities in the near future.

Reed said as he tripped over the corner of the bed and floundered into the closet, nearly garrotting himself on a wire hanger before he hit the wall and slithered to the floor.

The chain slipped around the bull neck of the pit boss, and the dwarf's shoulders bulged as he looped it and pulled, tightening it like a garrotte.

A moment later Kalam was searching their bodies, collecting throwing stars, throwing knives, two braces of short, wide-bladed stickers, a garrotte and the most cherished prize of all, a ribless Claw crossbow, screw-loaded, compact and deadly - if only at close range.