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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Galiot \Gal"i*ot\, n. [OE. galiote, F. galiote. See Galley.] (Naut.)

  1. A small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, built mainly for speed. It was moved both by sails and oars, having one mast, and sixteen or twenty seats for rowers.

  2. A strong, light-draft, Dutch merchant vessel, carrying a mainmast and a mizzenmast, and a large gaff mainsail.


n. (alternative spelling of galliot English)


A galiot, galliot or galiote, is a term for three different types of historical naval vessels that sailed on different seas, and for a type of French flat-bottom river boat or barge.

Usage examples of "galiot".

Venice an important succor of thirty-six transports, fourteen galleys, and nine galiots or ships of extra-ordinary strength and magnitude.